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Wayne Allard's Public Statements

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Date Title
07/29/2008 Energy
07/29/2008 Allard Announces Anvil Points Clean-Up Contract Signed
07/26/2008 Allard Praises Housing Industry Reforms
07/23/2008 Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act--Motion to Proceed
07/22/2008 Stop Excessive Energy Speculation Act of 2008--Motion to Proceed--Continued
07/22/2008 Letter to Hon. Senator Robert C. Byrd, Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate
07/22/2008 Allard Reaction to News That Democrats Will Cancel Appropriations Markups
07/14/2008 Allard Responds to Presidential Action Lifting Restrictions on Outer Continental Shelf Energy Exploration
07/14/2008 Allard Responds to Treasury Department's Plan to Save Fannie-Freddie
07/11/2008 Allard Backs Colorado Ranchers
07/09/2008 Allard Dismayed by 'Illogical' Final Ruling on Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse
07/07/2008 Allard Supports Bipartisan Medicare Fix
06/26/2008 Allard Praises Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Second Amendment Rights
06/25/2008 Hearing of the Energy and Water Development Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee - Energy Information Administration's Forecasts for Oil and Gasoline Prices and the EIA's Budget Request for FY 2009
06/11/2008 Consumer First Energy Act of 2008--Motion to Proceed
06/06/2008 Allard Statement Regarding Climate Change Vote
06/05/2008 Consumer First Energy Act of 2008--Motion to Proceed
05/22/2008 Energy Supply
05/22/2008 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions
05/22/2008 Allard Votes To Override President's Farm Bill Veto
05/21/2008 Allard Urges Senate Democrats to Help Americans Ease Their Own 'Pain at The Pump'
05/21/2008 The Budget
05/20/2008 Letter to President George W. Bush
05/15/2008 Senate Democrats Block Allard's Oil Shale Amendment
05/15/2008 Allard Votes in Favor of Farm Bill

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