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Ileana Ros-Lehtinen's Public Statements

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Date Title
04/25/2017 Ros-Lehtinen and Deutch Introduce Resolution Condemning Iran's Human Rights Violations, Persecution of Baha'is
04/25/2017 Reps. Boyle, Ros-Lehtinen, Deutch, and Fitzpatrick Introduce Bipartisan Legislation Supporting Holocaust Education Nationwide
04/07/2017 Ros-Lehtinen, Engel, Yoho, and Sherman Introduce North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act
04/06/2017 Sires and Ros-Lehtinen Re-Introduce Bipartisan Nicaragua Bill To Hold The Ortega Regime Accountable for Fraudulent Elections, Corruption, and Human Rights Abuses
04/06/2017 Deutch, Ros-Lehtinen Condemn Syrian Chemical Attack and Russian Obstruction at UN
04/05/2017 Ros-Lehtinen and Sires Re-Introduce Bipartisan Nicaragua Bill To Hold The Ortega Regime Accountable for Fraudulent Elections, Corruption, and Human Rights Abuses
04/04/2017 Ros-Lehtinen and Engel Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Designate Street Boris Nemtsov Plaza
03/29/2017 Ros-Lehtinen, Wasserman Schultz Lead Bipartisan Call For Review of Havana Club Trademark License to Castro Regime-Owned Cubaexport
03/27/2017 HIV Caucus Co-Chairs Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Eliminate Discriminatory HIV/AIDS Laws
03/10/2017 Ros-Lehtinen and Congressional Colleagues Release Joint Statement on Approval of Lupus Research Program
03/03/2017 Ros-Lehtinen and Sires Lead Bipartisan Delegation To Honduras and Guatemala
02/28/2017 Roskam Condemns Anti-Semitism
02/10/2017 Ros-Lehtinen Honored to be Selected by Speaker Ryan as Member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council
02/08/2017 Clark Bill Helps Protect Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets
02/08/2017 Ros-Lehtinen and Clark Introduce Bill to Help Protect Domestic Violence Victims and Their Pets
02/03/2017 Bipartisan Florida Delegation Unites to Restore Local Beaches
02/03/2017 Working to Limit Sea Level Rise in South Florida and Protect Public Lands, Ros-Lehtinen Votes to Preserve Important Environmental Rules
02/02/2017 UN Anti-Semitism Unconscionable
01/25/2017 Ros-Lehtinen, Deutch Welcome New Members to House Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa
01/24/2017 Ros-Lehtinen, Lowey Seek Answers Into 72 Year-Old Mystery, Introduce Bipartisan Measure Regarding the Fate of Raoul Wallenberg
12/08/2016 Ros-Lehtinen Promotes New Efforts to Limit Impacts of Sea Level Rise in South Florida
11/30/2016 Ros-Lehtinen Supports The 21st Century Cures Act With Crucial Reforms to Help South Floridians
10/13/2016 Ros-Lehtinen, Wasserman Schultz, Curbelo, and Wilson Join Diaz-Balart's Letter Urging HHS to Immediately Disburse Zika Funds
09/28/2016 Ros-Lehtinen, Engel, Salmon, Sherman, Chabot, and Sires Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Extend U.S. Efforts to Promote and Protect Human Rights in North Korea
09/27/2016 Ros-Lehtinen and Wasserman Schultz Statements on Passage of Resolution Supporting Venezuela

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