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John Lewis' Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens


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Date Title
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Social Security
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Seniors
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Healthcare
10/02/2013 Progressive Change Campaign Committee: Social Security Protectors
07/29/2013 Letter to Representative Harold Rogers, Representative Jack Kingston, Representative Nita Lowey, and Representative Rosa DeLauro - Meals on Wheels
05/09/2013 Full Faith and Credit Act
03/22/2013 Rep. John Lewis Rejects Ryan-Republican Budget to Favor More Balanced, Fair Solutions
02/15/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
12/13/2012 Letter to President Obama - Medicare Eligibility
08/14/2012 Rep. John Lewis Commemorates 77th Anniversary of Social Security
06/26/2012 Bipartisan Leaders in House and Senate Urge GAO to Probe Success Rate of Efforts to Identify and Prevent Medicare Fraud
04/24/2012 Representative John Lewis: Trustees Report Social Security is Solvent
04/24/2012 Rep. John Lewis: Trustees Report Social Security is Solvent
04/18/2012 Representative John Lewis Says Republican Cuts to Social Safety Net Are Heartless, Not Fiscally Sound
03/27/2012 Republican Budget Ends Medicare
10/21/2011 Rep. John Lewis on President Obama's Decision to Bring Iraq War Troops Home
10/13/2011 Letter to Members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
07/25/2011 Letter to Democratic Leader Pelosi
07/21/2011 Letter to Barack H. Obama, President of the United States - Cuts to Social Security Revenue
07/19/2011 Rep. John Lewis Votes No To Cut, Cap and End Medicare
07/15/2011 Letter to Nancy Peolsi, Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives - Protect Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid Benefits
06/30/2011 Rep. John Lewis Highlights 45th Anniversary of the Medicare Program
06/14/2011 Hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee - Social Security's Payment Accuracy
04/15/2011 Rep. John Lewis Speaks Out in Favor of the People's Budget
04/07/2011 Rep. John Lewis on Impact of Government Shutdown

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