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John Lewis' Public Statements on Issue: Arts, Entertainment, and History


Date Title
05/17/2019 Rep. John Lewis on 65th Anniversary of Brown V. Board Decision
09/11/2018 Rep. John Lewis on 17th Anniversary of 9/11 Disaster
01/08/2018 Lewis Statement on H.R. 267, The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act
03/16/2017 Rep. John Lewis on Expansion of MLK Historic Site to National Park
12/12/2016 Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act Passed by Congress
12/01/2015 Rep. John Lewis Commemorates World AIDS Day by Encouraging Testing
12/01/2015 Rep. John Lewis Pays Tribute to the 60th Anniversary of Rosa Parks' Bus Protest
04/04/2015 Rep. John Lewis Honors Martin Luther King Jr. On the Anniversary of his Death
03/31/2015 Rep. John Lewis Commemorates Cesar Chavez Day
12/01/2014 Rep. John Lewis Commemorates 59 Years since Montgomery Bus Boycott
10/23/2014 Tribute to Legendary Post Editor Ben Bradlee
09/11/2014 Rep. John Lewis on the Anniversary of 9/11
06/20/2014 Rep. John Lewis 50th Anniversary of Mississippi Freedom Summer and the Lives of Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner
06/16/2014 Rep. John Lewis Supports Pres. Obama's Action on ENDA
02/27/2013 Rep. John Lewis on Unveiling of Rosa Parks Statue in the Capitol
04/04/2012 Representative John Lewis Marks Anniversary of King's Death
07/04/2011 Rep. John Lewis Celebrates 4th of July and the Power of the American Dream
02/12/2009 Remarks By Hilary Clinton, Secretary Of State - Cultural Delegation To India, Commemorating The 50th Anniversary Of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Tour
06/21/2005 Rep. John Lewis Comments on the Decision of the Jury in the Killen Mississippi Murder Trial