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Newt Gingrich's Public Statements

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Date Title
04/05/2012 Newt Speaks at UNC-Wilmington, First Candidate to Visit the Tar Heel State
03/26/2012 Gingrich Becomes First GOP Candidate to Visit Delaware
03/11/2012 16 Minute Film Traces Newt's Path from Small Town America to Presidential Candidate
03/11/2012 Newt Woos Alabama Voters Ahead of Tuesday's Primary
03/10/2012 Newt Draws Large Crowds on Mississippi Campaign Swing
03/09/2012 Newt Kicks Off Whirlwind Mississippi Tour in Jackson
03/06/2012 Surging in New Polls, Gingrich Makes Final Push in Tennessee
03/03/2012 Promising Polls, Large Crowds Greet Newt on Day Four of Georgia Bus Tour
03/02/2012 Huge Crowds on Day Three of Newt's Georgia Bus Tour
03/01/2012 Gingrich to Obama: Fire Chu
03/01/2012 Newt Draws Large Crowds on Second Day of Georgia Bus Tour
02/23/2012 Newt Gingrich Slams President Obama's "Excuses" On Energy
02/16/2012 Newt 2012 Launches Drill Here, Drill Now Facebook Petition
12/27/2011 The Massachusetts Moderate and his Tax Reshuffling Agenda
12/22/2011 Newt 2012 Announces California Finance Leadership Team
12/14/2011 In Iowa City, Gingrich Outlines Brain Science Initiative
12/13/2011 Slate of Georgia Officials Back Newt Gingrich for President
12/09/2011 Students Unite with Newt Gingrich and His Social Security Plan
12/08/2011 Congressman Lynn Westmoreland Endorses Newt Gingrich for President
11/18/2011 Newt To Defend American Exceptionalism in Heart of Liberal Academia
11/17/2011 Newt in Jacksonville: Super Committee is a "Super Disaster"
11/14/2011 Newt Tailgates at Furman University
10/03/2011 Newt: I Would Fire Secretary Chu for Solyndra Scandal
09/29/2011 - Gingrich Speaks in Doylestown
09/29/2011 Why We Need a 21st Century Contract with America

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