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Mike Crapo's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

Date Title
01/19/2022 Crapo Delivers Remarks Against Partisan Election Takeover Bill, Efforts to Eliminate Filibuster
07/22/2021 Graham, Senators Reintroduce Legislation To Combat 'Smash-And-Grab'
06/14/2021 Crapo Introduces Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Physical Desecration of the American Flag
04/19/2021 Senators Introduce Resolution Condemning Hate Crimes Targeting Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders
02/03/2021 Crapo, Risch Introduce Balanced Budget Amendment
02/03/2021 Crapo, Risch Introduce Balanced Budget Amendment
01/22/2021 Crapo, Colleagues Re-introduce Constitutional Amendment to Keep Scotus at Nine Justices
06/25/2020 Senators Paul, King, Crapo, and Lee Reintroduce FAIR Act to Reform Civil Asset Forfeiture Process, Protect Innocent Americans
06/01/2020 Crapo Statement on Killing of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor
07/19/2017 Senate Leaders Introduce Bill to Restore Regulatory Accountability
02/02/2017 Grassley Resolution Would Reverse Obama-Era Regulation Limiting Second Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries
01/25/2017 Crapo Reintroduces Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries
01/10/2017 Crapo Raises States' Rights With Attorney General-Designee Sessions
06/20/2016 Crapo, Risch Statements on Senate Gun Proposals
08/03/2015 Daines Leads 27 Senators in Urging State Department to Halt Misguided ITAR Changes
08/07/2013 Crapo: Monitoring of Millions of Americans' Financial Accounts Raises Privacy Concerns
08/06/2013 Enzi, Barrasso Defend Legislative Prayer
08/02/2011 Idaho Senators Say Debt Plan Puts Spending Cuts First
02/26/2009 Crapo Votes To Uphold Free Speech Protection