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Luis Gutiérrez's Public Statements on Issue: Family

Date Title
06/20/2018 House Democrats Gather in Front of U.S. Capitol to Introduce Keep Families Together Act, Legislation to End Family Separation at the Border
06/08/2018 Social Workers in Congress Shea-Porter, Lee, Davis, Gutiérrez, and Bass Joint Statement on Child Separations at the Border
03/29/2017 Democratic House Members Hold Forum on Impact of Trump Immigration Policies on Children and Families
03/23/2016 Kirkpatrick introduces The American Dream Employment Act
06/26/2015 Rep. Gutierrez: "America is Having a Very Good Week"
06/25/2015 Sensenbrenner, Scott Introduce Bipartisan, State-tested Criminal Justice Reform Legislation
05/21/2015 House Democrats call for end to family detention program
05/21/2015 House Democrats Call for End to Family Detention Program
07/31/2014 Rep. Gutierrez on Failure of House Republicans to Get Their Act Together on Immigration, Border Spending, Children and Dreamers
07/24/2014 Rep. Gutierrez and "Coalition of the Willing" Engaging Central American Migrant Issue and Broader Deportation Issues
07/23/2014 Rep. Gutierrez Reacts to House, Senate Proposals for Supplemental Funds to Address Border Humanitarian Crisis
07/15/2014 Rep. Gutierrez Reacts to Cornyn-Cuellar Bill to Deport Children and Throw Money at Border Security
07/11/2014 Rep. Gutierrez Statement at CHC Press Conference on Immigrants, Immigration, and Children Fleeing Violence
06/23/2014 Children Deserve Legal Representation Before an Immigration Judge
06/19/2014 Sens. Menendez, Durbin, Hirono, and Reps. Gutierrez and Roybal-Allard Discuss Humanitarian and Refugee Children Crisis at the Border
03/13/2014 In a Floor Speech, Gutierrez Asks Republicans to "Do the Math" on Deporting the Parents of U.S. Citizens
03/01/2013 212 Members of Congress File Historic Amicus Brief on DOMA Case before U.S. Supreme Court
09/25/2012 Durbin, Gutierrez, Announce New Deferred Action Workshops in October
09/07/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 143 House Members File New Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
07/10/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 130 House Members File Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
10/17/2011 Quigley, Gutierrez, Schakowsky Hold Hearing on Same-Sex Marriage
03/31/2011 Rep. Gutierrez Announces 20-Plus City Tour: "Campaign for American Children and Families"