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Luis Gutiérrez's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

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Date Title
12/11/2018 Letter to the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security - Reps. Barragán and Lowenthal Lead Members Pushing For Travel Rights for Dreamers
12/04/2018 Letter to John Kelly, Acting Inspector General - Gomez Leads 82 House Democrats in Calling for Investigation on TPS Termination
11/14/2018 Letter to the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security - Members of Congress Call for the Resignation of Secretary Nielsen
11/01/2018 Letter to the Hon. James Mattis, Secretary of Defense - Smith Leads House Democrats in Demanding Answers on Trump Border Deployment
10/24/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - Holding Honduran Government Accountable for Human Rights
10/05/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State - Schneider Leads 100+ Democratic Members Urging Trump Administration to Reverse Decision to Deny Visas to Same-Sex Partners of Foreign Diplomats
10/05/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Rep. Danny K. Davis Condemns Transfer of Migrant Children to Tent City in Dark of Night in Letter to HHS and DHS Secretaries
09/28/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - Foster Announces Support for Legislation to Reverse Refugee Restrictions
09/26/2018 Letter to John V. Kelly, Acting Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security - Investigate Allegations of Coercion and Abuse Against Separated Immigrant Parents
09/17/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mitchell McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Paul D. Ryan, House Speaker, the Hon. Richard Shelby, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the Hon. Rodney Frelinghuysen, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee - Harris, Espaillat Lead Lawmakers in Letter Urging Gop Leadership, Appropriators to Reject Expansion of Family Immigration Detention
09/12/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions III, Attorney General of the U.S. - 118 House Democrats to AG Sessions: Reverse Decision Ending Asylum for Victims of Domestic, Gang, and Gender-Based Violence
09/07/2018 Letter to the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen and the Hon. Alex Azar - 64 Members of Congress Urge DHS and HHS Secretaries to Support Flores Settlement
09/04/2018 Letter to the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen, DHS, the Hon. Alex Azar, HHS, the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Department of State, and the Hon. Jefferson Sessions, Attorney General - Children Still Separated from their Parents
08/29/2018 Letter to The Hon. Kirsjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security - Congresswoman Speier and Colleagues Send Letter to DHS Urging Action to Reunite Families
08/20/2018 Letter to John Kelly, Deputy Inspector General of Homeland Security and Daniel Levinson, Inspector General of Health and Human Services - Boyle Leads Bipartisan Letter Urging Federal Review of Abuse in Immigrant Detention Centers
08/06/2018 Letter to Ms. Jennifer Jessup, Departmental Paper Clearance Officer for the Department of Commerce - Congressional Hispanic Caucus Members Oppose Citizenship Question in 2020 Census
08/06/2018 Letter to the Hon. L. Francis Cissna, Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services - Members of Congress Probe DHS over Circumstances Leading to TPS Termination for Nepal and Honduras
08/02/2018 Letter to Michael Pompeo, Secretary of State - Reinstate TPS for El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti
07/24/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jefferson Sessions, US Attorney General - Zero-Tolerance Policy Traumatizes Migrants, Contrary to American Values
07/20/2018 Letter to Ronald Vitiello, Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement - Washington State Democrats Join 139 Members of House and Senate to Speak Out Against Charging Migrant Parents Up to $8/Min. to Speak With Their Kids
07/17/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State - 54 Members of Congress Join Reps. Frankel, Torres, Roybal-allard in Letter Opposing Anti-immigrant State Department Nominee
07/13/2018 Letter to the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security and the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State - 83 Members of Congress Urge the Administration to Extend and Redesignate Temporary Protected Status for Somalia
06/29/2018 Letter to Mr. John Kelly, Acting DHS Inspector General - Call for Investigation into Potentially Unlawful Actions by DHS at the Borders
06/28/2018 Letter to the Hon. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General, the Hon. Kirstjen Nielsen Secretary of Homeland Security, the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Comply with Injunction, Reunite Families Separated at Border
06/27/2018 Letter to Secretary Alex M. Azar II, Department of Health and Human Services, and Director Scott Lloyd, Office of Refugee Resettlement - Answers Regarding Allegations of Abuse Toward Migrant Children in Custody

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