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Luis Gutiérrez's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

Date Title
07/26/2018 Reps. Espaillat, Gutiérrez, Bonamici, Jayapal Lead House Members to Introduce Reunite Every Unaccompanied Newborn Infant Toddler and Other Children Expeditiously (REUNITE) Act
05/29/2018 Harvard Study on Puerto Rico Death Toll Confirms "The Response Was Completely Inadequate to the Disaster At Hand"
04/26/2018 Congressman Adriano Espaillat Holds Member Roundtable On Impact Of Section 232 Tariffs On The Dominican Republic
04/24/2018 Judiciary and Oversight Committee Democrats Issue Joint Statement After Interview with Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower
12/21/2017 Emergency Supplemental is "Completely Inadequate" for Puerto Rico and Gutierrez Will Oppose
11/07/2017 Waiver of Emergency Payments Act (WEPA) Introduced by Reps. Gutierrez & Espaillat
10/05/2017 Members of Congress: Are We Doing Enough to Protect Sick, Elderly & Vulnerable Hurricane Survivors in Puerto Rico?
07/25/2017 House Democrats: Don't Sneak Wasteful $1.6B Border Wall Vote into Military Funding Bill
01/05/2016 Rep. Gutiérrez Supports President on Gun Violence Prevention
01/05/2016 Rep. Gutiérrez Denounces ICE Home Raids
07/14/2015 Rep. Gutierrez Supports Iran Nuclear Agreement as " A Matter of War and Peace"
05/21/2015 Carson, House Intelligence Committee Democrats Issue Statement on USA Freedom Act Urging Senate to Act
05/03/2015 Rep. Gutierrez on Passage of Homeland Security Spending Bill
03/24/2015 Rep. Gutierrez: Statement on Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
11/25/2013 Kirk, Durbin, Delegation Call on President to Provide Federal Refief for Central and Southern Illinois Counties
09/27/2010 Rep. Gutierrez, Ald. Munoz Reach Out to Chicago Flood Victims as Deadline for FEMA Relief Approaches