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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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12/13/2021 Tweet - "Did you know that nearly 60% of adults in Illinois eligible for tax credits on can find a health care plan with a premium of $50 or less? Find out if you're eligible today and #GetCovered for 2022 by signing up before December 15."
11/27/2021 Tweet - "Thanks to the expanded #ChildTaxCredit, families across the United States were able to enjoy a little extra peace of mind this Thanksgiving. That's something we can all be thankful for."
11/17/2021 Tweet - "Top rating agencies said today that President Biden's #BuildBackBetter plan will not increase inflation. In fact, economists have said it will ease inflationary pressures over the long term. Time for Senator McConnell and objectors to find some new talking points."
11/15/2021 Tweet - "The expanded #ChildTaxCredit is making a difference in the lives of millions of families across the country. Today is the LAST DAY in 2021 for non-filers to sign up for their monthly benefit. See if you qualify here:"
09/26/2021 Tweet - "This is where Senator McConnell wants to take us. All to avoid paying for the debt he helped create with the Trump tax cuts. He alone owns this disaster."
08/31/2021 Tweet - "Pres. Biden's expanded #ChildTaxCredit is already making a real difference in the lives of millions of American children. Let's build on this success by passing his Build Back Better agenda, which will continue to lift millions of children out of poverty."
07/23/2021 Tweet - ".@POTUS Biden's expanded child tax credit is one of the most impactful things that Congress has done in a long time. It's making a real difference, right now, for millions of American families. And remember--not a single Republican voted for it."
07/20/2021 Tweet - "Thanks to the Biden Administration, the United States is in a much better place than it was just six months ago. But we can't stop here. We need to keep our foot on the gas and continue to invest in the American people. That's how we build back better."
07/20/2021 Tweet - "Last week was an important one for millions of Americans as President Biden's expanded Child Tax Credit went into effect. It has been estimated that it could cut child poverty in the United States by half. That's something we should all celebrate."
07/16/2021 Tweet - "Yesterday was a historic day in our country as millions of working families began receiving payments from the expanded #ChildTaxCredit. Today I'm proud to join @COFIOnline & @EconsecureIL in Chicago to discuss how this expansion will benefit 2.5 million children in Illinois"
07/15/2021 Tweet - "In America, too many children still go hungry & live below the poverty line. Democrats know that is totally unacceptable, which is why we expanded the #ChildTaxCredit. Payments are hitting bank accounts today -- and we will work to make these permanent."
07/15/2021 Tweet - "Made possible by the #AmericanRescuePlan & Congressional Democrats, Illinoisans will start receiving monthly #ChildTaxCredit payments that will help families meet their needs & is estimated to cut child poverty in half."
07/13/2021 Tweet - "Not a single Republican voted for this expansion of the child tax credit. But Democrats pushed for it because we believe that investing in American families is the right thing to do. Help is on the way."
07/13/2021 Tweet - "With the expanded #ChildTaxCredit, Democrats are proving that our investments in the American people have the power to change lives."
07/09/2021 Tweet - "In less than one week, millions of families will start receiving #ChildTaxCredit payments, thanks to the American Rescue Plan. Glad to be in Springfield yesterday to discuss how this will help local families and lift children out of poverty."
07/06/2021 Tweet - "Proud to stand with families and leaders in Chicago today to celebrate the expansion of the #ChildTaxCredit. Beginning on July 15, working families will receive up to $300 per child in tax credit payments every month thanks to the American Rescue Plan."
05/18/2021 Tweet - "I urge the Biden Admin. to support my legislation with @RonWyden & @CongressmanRaja to close loopholes in the tax code exploited by Big Tobacco. This bill will prevent kids from getting hooked on these addictive, deadly products, & save taxpayers billions. It's good for us all."
05/18/2021 Tweet - "If we want to rebuild America, we need to invest in America. Sen. McConnell's "red line" when it comes to funding President Biden's American Jobs Plan shows that he would rather cut taxes for the ultra-wealthy than repair America's crumbling infrastructure."
05/17/2021 Tweet - "Families across America: help is here. Proud of Democrats for fighting to secure this investment in the American people."
05/11/2021 Tweet - "Thanks to Democrats and President Biden, state and local governments will be able to prevent layoffs and save essential services. This funding will keep our teachers, first responders, and state employees serving our communities as we recover from the damage of the pandemic."
04/23/2021 Tweet - "1 out of every 5 deaths in this country is tobacco-related. It's time for that to finally change. That's why @RonWyden, @CongressmanRaja, and I are introducing a bill to significantly reduce tobacco use in the United States--the Tobacco Tax Equity Act of 2021."
04/01/2021 Tweet - ". @RepCindyAxne and I worked hard to get tax relief for unemployed Americans into the American Rescue Plan. Glad to see the IRS is moving quickly to help Americans take advantage of the tax exclusion for unemployment benefits."
03/30/2021 Tweet - "The American Rescue Plan makes the Child Tax Credit fully refundable & increases the amount to ensure that more families will be able to receive the help they need. Nationwide, this expansion will lift 4.1 million children out of poverty."
03/24/2021 Tweet - "Glad to see the IRS will automatically issue tax refunds for unemployment claimants who have already filed their 2020 tax returns. This will be a huge help for unemployed Americans who are eligible for the tax exclusion included in the American Rescue Plan."
03/12/2021 Tweet - ".@RepCindyAxne and I worked hard to make sure tax relief for unemployed Americans was included in the American Rescue Plan. Today we're calling on the @USTreasury and IRS to help Americans take advantage of the tax exclusion for unemployment benefits."

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