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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
11/19/2021 Durbin: Infrastructure Bill Puts Illinois On Path To Lead Nation In EV Manufacturing
02/09/2021 Sen. Smith, Durbin, Rep. Schneider Introduce Bill to Help State, Local Governments Provide Paid Leave to Employees During Pandemic
10/09/2020 Durbin Cosponsors Legislation To Make Payroll Tax Deferral Optional, Including For Military Members And Federal Employees
09/29/2020 Durbin Introduces Bill To Give Unemployed Americans Tax Relief
07/09/2020 Durbin Statement On Supreme Court Rulings On President Trump's Financial Records
01/16/2020 Following Requests from Murray, Wyden, Durbin: IRS, Treasury Expand Tax Relief for Defrauded Student Loan Borrowers
10/24/2019 Durbin Statement On Senate Republicans Voting To Maintain Double Taxation Rule
09/26/2019 Shaheen, Blumenthal and colleagues spearhead bill to crack down on e-cigarette companies, close tax loophole for e-cigarette advertising
07/17/2019 Murphy, Blumenthal, senate democrats unveil new legislation to provide a homeowners' tax deduction for state, local taxes, enabling tens of thousands of dollars in tax savings through charitable deductions
07/16/2019 Menendez, Booker, Colleagues Unveil New Legislation to Restore Homeowners' Ability to Work Around GOP Cap of SALT Deduction
06/20/2019 Durbin, Duckworth Reintroduce Bill To Provide Equal Tax Treatment For Married Sam-Sex Couples
06/06/2019 Durbin, Duckworth Introduce 'Buffet Rule' To Ensure Wealthiest Americans Pay Fair Share In Taxes
04/10/2019 Senate Democrats Unveil Legislation to Cut Taxes for Workers & Families, Ahead of IRS Commissioner Testimony
04/10/2019 Durbin, Duckworth, Senate Democrats Unveil Legislation To Cut Taxes For Workers & Families
04/01/2019 Durbin, Duckworth Introduce Bill To Make Child Care More Affordable
06/21/2018 Durbin Statement On Supreme Court Ruling On Internet Tax Loophole
11/16/2017 Durbin Statement On House Passage Of GOP Tax Plan
11/02/2017 Durbin Statement On Republican Tax Plan
09/20/2017 Senators Gillibrand And Durbin Introduce Legislation To Curtail Excessive CEO Pay, Close Tax Loopholes That Force Taxpayers To Subsidize Massive CEO Compensation
10/14/2016 Durbin Commends Treasury Actions To Limit Corporate Inversions And Earnings Stripping
11/23/2015 Durbin Statement on Pfizer-Allergan Inversion
08/11/2015 Durbin Urges Illinois Company To Keep Tax Address In U.S.
07/29/2014 Leading Congressional Democrats Introduce The No Federal Contracts For Corporate Deserters Act
08/01/2012 Hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee - Marketplace Fairness: Leveling the Playing Field for Small Businesses
05/30/2012 Durbin Pledges to Work to End Campus Debit Card Fees that Send Taxpayer Funds Directly to Banks

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