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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

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12/08/2022 Tweet - "This is a great day for marriage equality and a historic day for civil rights in our country. The Respect for Marriage Act will ensure that same-sex and interracial marriages will be protected under federal law. Now, onto @POTUS 's desk!"
06/19/2022 Tweet - "Reminder: It was over 2 years after the Emancipation Proclamation & 2 months after the end of the Civil War when news of emancipation finally reached the deepest corners of the former Confederacy on #Juneteenth--a delay which represents a gap in justice that still persists today."
06/17/2022 Tweet - "#PrideMonth is about celebrating the LGBTQ community--but without meaningful steps toward true equality, #Pride will always be a protest. That includes addressing the disproportionate violence LBGTQ Americans, and especially Black trans women, face."
06/01/2022 Tweet - "Happy #Pride2022 to the LGBTQ community in Illinois and across the country! #PrideMonth is rooted in challenging the status quo. We've made enormous strides in the past few decades, but until everyone can be who they are and love who they love, #Pride will always be a protest."
03/28/2022 Tweet - "Due to the nature of their subjects, these investigations present heightened constitutional and civil liberties concerns and therefore merit greater scrutiny and supervision. Glad to join my friend and colleague, Senator Grassley, in this important oversight work."
03/08/2022 Tweet - "Al-Qahtani "was tortured so badly that he was ineligible to be tried at the war crimes court." This transfer is an important step toward finally ending indefinite detention at Guantanamo, which violates human rights & has prevented us from bringing 9/11 conspirators to justice."
03/07/2022 Tweet - "Today marks the anniversary of Bloody Sunday--and our second without my friend, John Lewis. 57 years later, we can still join him on that bridge, and walk with his legacy as we work toward equal access to the ballot box. Finishing his fight is our moral mission."
03/07/2022 Tweet - "The 1955 lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till serves as a stark reminder of what happens when hate and bigotry go unchecked. We must never forget--and never diminish--the history of lynching in America."
02/24/2022 Tweet - "His name was George Floyd. He was a father, a brother, a son, a friend. He died with the knee of a police officer on his neck--an image that haunts me to this day. The injustice of his killing is undeniable, but I hope today's verdict gives his loved ones some semblance of peace."
02/22/2022 Tweet - "Today, our system held these men accountable, but for too many Americans--especially Black & Brown Americans--justice remains elusive. We must continue to confront & root out the kind of hate bias that caused this tragedy and ensure accountability for perpetrators of these crimes."
12/17/2021 Tweet - "Will be joining @DavidWestin on @BloombergTV shortly to discuss the latest on voting rights, #VAWA reauthorization, and #BuildBackBetter. Make sure you tune in."
12/06/2021 Tweet - "Among the many freedoms we enjoy as Americans is the freedom to live without fear--and that includes public figures like school board members. I'm live on the Senate floor, discussing the need to defend that freedom."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "Your constitutional rights should not depend on your zip code. I'm calling on my colleagues in the Senate to defend those rights for everyone by passing the Women's Health Protection Act. The House did their job earlier this year. Now it is time for the Senate to act."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "The First Amendment does not protect violence and threats of violence. Whether the violence is directed against school officials, airline workers, public health officials, or members of Congress, it's the duty of federal, state, and local law enforcement to respond appropriately."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "I want to state this unequivocally: abortion is a constitutionally protected right, and the Court should uphold this constitutionally protected right. RT if you agree."
11/23/2021 Tweet - "Using fine print to force students to give up their rights to go to court is a dirty trick long used by #4profit colleges to evade accountability at the expense of students. I'm introducing the CLASS Act to ensure students can have their day in court."
11/17/2021 Tweet - "Today we celebrate and honor @Sifill_LDF -- one of the most effective and consequential leaders of the modern civil rights movement. May her legacy inspire us all to be unwavering in our commitment to a more just and equitable society."
11/09/2021 Tweet - "Today is World Freedom Day­--a reminder of the importance of governance by, of, and for the people. As democracy comes under assault around the globe, leaders of the free world must come together to stand up for freedom and equal rights under the law."
11/03/2021 Tweet - "Four times this year, Republican Senators have used the filibuster to prevent this Senate from even debating voting rights. What has become of the Party of Lincoln?"
11/02/2021 Tweet - "In our nation, there is no freedom more fundamental than the right to vote. I am pleased we have reached a bipartisan compromise to move forward on this legislation, and I am hopeful that more Republicans will follow Sen. @lisamurkowski 's lead in defending this right."
10/27/2021 Tweet - "Anyone who engages in violence or threats of violence is stepping over the line of protected speech. Whether you are storming the Capitol or threatening members of your local school board with violence, it does not matter. Free speech does not include the incitement of violence."
10/20/2021 Tweet - "The right to vote is the bedrock of our democracy. By continuing to filibuster voting rights legislation, Senate Republicans are putting partisan, right-wing efforts in state legislatures ahead of the right of Americans to vote."
10/20/2021 Tweet - "Seven years later, the murder of Laquan McDonald is still shocking and upsetting. And while some semblance of justice has been achieved through the legal system, nothing can ever replace a lost loved one. Sending my prayers to the McDonald family today as they mourn Laquan."
10/20/2021 Tweet - "The right to vote is the bedrock of our democracy. By continuing to filibuster voting rights legislation, Senate Republicans are putting partisan, right-wing efforts in state legislatures ahead of the right of Americans to vote."
10/19/2021 Tweet - "The filibuster has always been the weapon of choice for those who want to beat down civil rights. When Republicans use it to block voting rights tomorrow, they'll be following in the footsteps of those who came before them in filibustering civil rights."

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