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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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01/05/2023 Tweet - "The historic GOP impasse in the House indicates rough seas ahead. Additional McCarthy concessions to his MAGA extremists would only guarantee instability in a closely divided House."
05/11/2022 Tweet - I had the honor of introducing Seventh Circuit nominee Judge John Lee, currently an Illinois district court judge, and Nancy Maldonado, nominated to the Northern District of IL, at our @JudiciaryDems hearing this morning. They are eminently qualified for these roles."
02/28/2022 Tweet - "Saddened to learn of the passing of @SenFeinstein 's husband Dick Blum. Sending my prayers to the entire family as they mourn his loss."
02/07/2022 Tweet - "Shame on any political party that censures lawmakers for supporting the January 6 select committee and calls the deadly insurrection mob "legitimate.""
01/20/2022 Tweet: Unfortunately, a majority of Senators have pledged allegiance to the filibuster. But I believe there is something more critical than a Senate rule that has been changed 160 times in the history of this body.
01/19/2022 Tweet: Sadly, many Republican lawmakers would rather repeat the twice impeached former President's "Big Lie' than face his wrath. And tonight, Senate Republicans used the filibuster once again to kill legislation that would protect Americans' right to participate in our democracy.
11/19/2021 Tweet - "From helping working mothers feed their kids, to funding education and other innovations that will shape the world those kids grow up in, now is the time to #BuildBackBetter. I am glad the House took this important step today. Now, onto the Senate."
11/04/2021 Tweet - "This is the Senate Judiciary Committee at its best: a bipartisan effort on an issue of importance to the cause of justice in our nation. That's why we're here. Thank you to Sen. @LindseyGrahamSC , Sen. @gillibrandny , & the numerous Senators from both parties supporting this bill."
10/27/2021 Tweet - "This is the first DOJ oversight hearing since October 18, 2017--the only one during the Trump Admin. Annual DOJ oversight hearings were the norm under the Obama administration. I am pleased to restore this tradition as Chair, and I thank AG Garland for appearing before us today."
10/19/2021 Tweet - "The filibuster has always been the weapon of choice for those who want to beat down civil rights. When Republicans use it to block voting rights tomorrow, they'll be following in the footsteps of those who came before them in filibustering civil rights."
09/29/2021 Tweet - "Disappointed by today's decision by the Parliamentarian, but the push for immigration via reconciliation continues. There's too much at stake."
09/23/2021 Tweet - "The Constitution is clear--only Congress has the power to declare war. It's time we take that responsibility more seriously. To that end, @SenatorLeahy, @SenOssoff, & I are introducing legislation to ensure no AUMFs last longer than 10 years after they are initially enacted."
09/19/2021 Tweet - "I am deeply disappointed in the Parliamentarian's decision tonight, but the fight for immigration reform will continue. Senate Democrats have prepared an alternative proposal for the Parliamentarian's consideration in the coming days."
08/08/2021 Tweet - "The @JudiciaryDems investigation into former President Trump's attempt to enlist the DOJ in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election has already revealed some frightening truths. Just yesterday, we heard seven hours of testimony from Jeffrey Rosen alone. Much more is to come."
08/05/2021 Tweet - "Donald Trump's desperate attempts to enlist the DOJ in his efforts to overthrow the results of the 2020 election are deeply worrying. @JudiciaryDems investigation into the Trump DOJ will go to the heart of this abuse of power. We will find answers."
08/04/2021 Tweet - "By the end of his presidency, Donald Trump was desperate and willing to do anything he could to stay in office. @JudiciaryDems are investigating his efforts to enlist DOJ in his election subversion scheme, & we will get to the bottom of this abuse of power. We will find answers."
08/04/2021 Tweet - "Too many Republicans want us to forget what happened on January 6. But we are witnessing the devastating impact the insurrection had on the brave men and women who defended the Capitol on that day. We owe them a full accounting of what led up to and happened on that day."
07/29/2021 Tweet - "In the convoluted political world we live in, Senate Republicans debated for weeks whether to pay the expenses of the Capitol Police and Nat'l Guardsmen who protected us on and after Jan. 6. It's hard to explain the depths we've reached when it comes to common sense and decency."
07/28/2021 Tweet - "Glad to see @SenatorLeahy is moving forward with this bipartisan security supplemental. The Capitol Police and National Guard units, including troops from Illinois, who protected the Capitol from insurrections on and after January 6 deserve our support."
07/27/2021 Tweet - "Today's bipartisan House investigation into January 6 is long overdue. It should have started with a bipartisan commission, but Senator McConnell did everything he could to make sure that never happened. History will not look kindly upon his decision."
07/27/2021 Tweet - "The Committee has been pushing DOJ for this waiver for months. Now that we have it, we'll proceed to interview relevant witnesses ASAP so we can get to the bottom of this plot to enlist DOJ in Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election."
07/13/2021 Tweet - "This $3.7B to pay for the costs of defending the U.S. Capitol from the Trump-inspired insurrectionist mob of January 6 is only a fraction of the real cost in lives lost, injuries sustained, and stain on our democracy this outrage spawned."
07/09/2021 Tweet - "Americans are calling on this Senate to protect the integrity of our democracy -- and to secure our Constitutional rights. If preserving the right to vote means reforming the Senate's rules, then so be it. Nothing less than the future of American freedom is on the line."
07/06/2021 Tweet - "Six months ago, a violent mob stormed the Capitol in the hopes of overturning the 2020 election. We need a full accounting of how they got there and who sent them."
06/16/2021 Tweet - "In the interest of transparency, this OLC memo should be public -- and given its role in misleading the Judiciary Committee about Special Counsel Mueller's findings, it should be produced for the Committee without delay."

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