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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Housing and Property

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12/07/2021 Tweet - "I fought to secure this critical funding for Illinois to help keep families in their homes. Applications will be accepted beginning Monday, Dec. 6 through Sunday, Jan. 9, 2022. Eligible renters and landlords can apply for up to $25,000 in rental assistance."
10/26/2021 Tweet - "Proud of Illinois for increasing the number of rental assistance payments by 185% between August and September. I fought hard to make sure this funding was a part of Congress' COVID-relief efforts and am glad to see it is helping to keep so many Illinoisans in their homes."
08/27/2021 Tweet - "The partisan agenda of the Supreme Court's conservative majority continues to harm American families. This decision--pulled off the "shadow docket" and made without hearing full arguments from either side--will have devastating consequences for millions."
08/04/2021 Tweet - "This is welcome news. We cannot allow struggling families to be thrown out of their homes and onto the street during a surging pandemic. Thank you, @CoriBush, for insisting on action. Your courage and resolve changed this debate."
06/24/2021 Tweet - "This is the right decision. We need to make sure we give American families time to get back on their feet."
05/26/2021 Tweet - "Too many American children face the risk of lead poisoning in their own home. @SenatorTimScott and I are introducing legislation to update outdated federal housing standards & put additional prevention measures in place to ensure no child is at risk of lead poisoning at home."
05/21/2021 Tweet - "In Springfield today I joined leaders from @HSHSStJohns and Springfield @CWLP_ to talk about federal efforts to combat lead exposure through investments in our infrastructure."
05/05/2021 Tweet - "765,000 Illinoisans spend more than 30% of their income on rent. Any infrastructure plan must include safe and affordable housing, which is why the President is proposing investing more than $200 billion to increase the housing supply and address the affordable housing crisis."
04/23/2021 Tweet - "I applaud the decision by @SecFudge and @HUDgov to withdraw the prior Administration's proposal to weaken the Equal Access Rule. HUD programs, shelters, facilities, and services must be available to all. Discrimination on the basis of gender identity cannot be tolerated."
03/10/2021 Tweet - ".@mlfudge is going to be an outstanding and groundbreaking @HUDgov Secretary. I look forward to working closely with her to address the affordable housing crisis in Illinois and across America."
02/16/2021 Tweet - "This is the right decision. There is no reason to allow even more Americans to fall into homelessness during this pandemic. We should be doing everything we can to help struggling families keep food on the table and a roof over their head."
10/25/2020 Tweet - "Just because Republicans hold up a scrap of paper & call it a relief bill, doesn't make it one. Not a cent for hospitals, stimulus checks, rental assistance. In their rush to confirm Judge Barrett & eliminate health care, Rs have abandoned needs of Americans during this pandemic."
09/18/2020 Tweet - "The #COVID19 pandemic has exacerbated the inequities in our society, including housing insecurity. This week I joined my colleagues in urging Pres. Trump to work with Congress to provide families with emergency rental assistance & keep families in their homes."
09/01/2020 Tweet - "It's the first of the month, which means rent is due for millions of Americans who are struggling because of the financial fallout of this pandemic. These families need #RentReliefNow. @SenateGOP needs to come back to Washington next week ready to negotiate. This can't wait."
08/24/2020 Tweet - "The grace period for the CARES Act federal eviction moratorium ends today, leaving millions at risk of eviction & homelessness. Sen. McConnell should bring the Senate back from recess so we can get back to work. These families need #RentReliefNow."
08/12/2020 Tweet - "What a sad indictment of Sen. McConnell's priorities. Families across the US are struggling to pay rent & put food on the table & the Senate Majority Leader is focused on shielding corporations from accountability. This is Washington at its worst."
08/04/2020 Tweet - "If @SenateGOP hadn't waited until the end of July to start negotiating the next round of federal #COVID19 relief, then our nation's working families wouldn't be staring down a wave of evictions. It's time to get this done--the American people need our help."
07/30/2020 Tweet - "No subtly here. This is so overtly racist that the President might as well come out and say that he wants to bring back redlining. His own past would suggest he never wanted it to go away in the first place."
06/29/2020 Tweet - "Could not agree with @RepChuyGarcia more--no one should lose their housing during a pandemic. Proud to join him, @SenWarren , @RepBarbaraLee , and other Senate & House Democrats to introduce legislation to protect renters & extend the nationwide moratorium on evictions."
06/09/2020 Tweet - "This funding was provided by Congress in the CARES Act and then held up by @SecretaryCarson & HUD for so long that a bipartisan group of Senators had to pressure them to release it. Pres. Trump isn't allocating anything here. He's taking credit for Congress' hard work."
05/29/2020 Tweet - "For millions of Americans, rent is due on Monday. And with 1 in 4 American workers having filed for unemployment, millions are at risk of losing their housing in the middle of a pandemic that has killed 100,000 Americans. Congress must step in to provide #RentReliefNow."
05/06/2020 Tweet - "This country cannot afford a housing crisis on top of #COVID19. I'm cosponsoring @SenJackReed 's bill to establish a $75B Housing Assistance Fund that would provide working families with a lifeline to keep the lights on & avoid preventable foreclosures or evictions."
04/06/2020 Tweet - "Proud to announce Illinois will receive more than $147M in federal funding to help expand community health facilities, child care centers, food banks, and senior services during the #COVID19 pandemic."
03/04/2020 Tweet - "Too often, veterans struggle to find a support network and housing after finishing their service. I continue to be inspired & grateful for the personalized resources & affordable homes that @VOAIllinois offers veterans and their families throughout IL."
01/07/2020 Tweet - "Today's announcement by @SecretaryCarson is a step backwards. HUD's proposed rule is a frontal assault on the Fair Housing Act and civil rights. We need federal housing policies that end discrimination and ensure equal opportunity for all."

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