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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

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01/05/2023 Tweet - "Unemployed Americans are our first priority, but no question there's a need for immigrants to help fill jobs that Americans won't take. I urge my Republican colleagues to stop their political infighting and join Democrats in working to fix our broken immigration system."
01/05/2023 Tweet - "Congressional Republicans have repeatedly obstructed bipartisan immigration reform & leave @POTUS with no choice but to use his authority to establish order at our southern border. I strongly support his actions to clearly spell out legal pathways for migrants."
12/15/2022 Tweet - "Think we have enough immigrants? Open your eyes. The best medical system in the world is being brought to its knees by a nursing crisis. I recently learned that a major Chicago hospital was buoyed by 30 Filipino immigrant nurses. We need immigration reform and we need it now."
12/05/2022 Tweet - "As author of the Dream Act, I applaud every good faith effort to give these deserving individuals a path to citizenship. I've been in touch w/ my colleagues & will carefully review their proposal. I'm determined to do everything to help deliver a Christmas Miracle for Dreamers."
11/16/2022 Tweet - "This morning, I met an incredible group of young Illinois Dreamers & heard remarkable stories about their success despite the many challenges they face. A solution for Dreamers is long overdue. They have been forced to live in fear and uncertainty for far too long."
11/04/2022 Tweet - "Our immigration system is broken in so many ways. It has failed our Afghan allies in the United States and those who are stuck abroad. We must act on a bipartisan basis to protect them. Lives are at stake."
11/01/2022 Tweet - "For 21 years, I've been working to protect Dreamers by passing the bipartisan Dream Act, but Republicans have filibustered the bill time after time. With Dreamers' lives on the line, we need 10 Republicans to stop their political posturing and come to the negotiating table."
10/21/2022 Tweet - "Yesterday I joined @RepSchakowsky and the Refugee Action Network to discuss the urgent need to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act. Doing what we can to support our Afghan allies is a moral imperative. We owe them a path out of Afghanistan and to stability in the United States."
10/20/2022 Tweet - ""These companies are right: ending DACA would hurt the economy. According to @FWDus , if DACA ended or renewals were restricted, an estimated 22,000 jobs would be lost each month for two years--at a time when workforce shortages are already driving up costs.
10/05/2022 Tweet - "Happy to see that current DACA holders can continue to live & work in our communities for now. Sadly they must still spend each day living in fear that they may lose their protections under the law. It is past time that Congress gave them certainty & permanent legal protections."
09/05/2022 Tweet - "If Texas Governor Abbott truly wanted help with migrants crossing into his state, we could have worked together to welcome them nationwide. Instead, he has refused to coordinate with cities or even the federal government, wanting to catch cities off guard."
08/24/2022 Tweet - "Over the past decade, DACA has allowed more than 800k #Dreamers to remain in the only home they've ever known, America. I applaud @DHSgov for issuing this final rule to provide some stability to DACA recipients & make it more difficult for a future administration to rescind DACA."
08/10/2022 Tweet - "I am glad to see that a federal judge in TX finally implemented the Supreme Court's ruling on "Remain in Mexico" and lifted the injunction that blocked the termination of that policy. I applaud the Administration's efforts to end this shameful practice.'
06/29/2022 Tweet - "The tragic discovery of at least 53 migrants who perished after crossing our border should be a galvanizing moment--like the tragic shootings in Buffalo & Uvalde. The Senate needs to rally to produce an agreement on immigration in the spirit of the recent gun safety compromise."
06/28/2022 Tweet - "Praying for all of those who lost their lives or were injured in this horrible tragedy. We must end the scourge of human smuggling and honor our legal and moral obligation to protect migrants who come to our borders seeking safe haven."
06/21/2022 Tweet - "Saturday, I attended the 20th Annual Celebration of World Refugee Day in Chicago. Since 1975, Illinois has resettled 124,000 refugees from more than 60 countries. They have enriched our state and the City of Chicago in many ways."
04/26/2022 Tweet - "Since becoming Chair, I have prioritized restoring the Judiciary Committee's oversight role. And as I have stated on several occasions, I welcome any efforts to work together on good faith, bipartisan solutions to fix our badly broken immigration system."
03/17/2022 Tweet - "Thousands of children--some mere infants--were forcibly removed from their parents by the Trump Admin and hundreds remain separated to this day. I applaud the ongoing, morally necessary work of the Biden Admin's Interagency Task Force on the Reunification of Families."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "I commend the Biden Admin for designating Afghanistan for Temporary Protected Status. TPS will protect Afghans in the U.S. from being forced to return to unsafe conditions due to the ongoing conflict and deteriorating conditions, incl. water scarcity & a worsening hunger crisis."
03/11/2022 Tweet - "For two years, Title 42 has been used to expel immigrants who cross our border. Many just try again. And thousands have been unjustly returned to the danger they fled. It is not a humane or effective solution to securing our border."
03/04/2022 Tweet - "Today I spoke at the Ukrainian National Museum in Chicago to discuss support for granting Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Ukrainians in the U.S. I stand in solidarity with Ukraine and commit to do everything I can to provide military equipment and humanitarian relief."
03/03/2022 Tweet - "I applaud President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas for taking decisive action to help Ukrainians currently in America stay here safely."
03/03/2022 Tweet - "Illinois soybean farmers work hard to make our state the top soybean producer in the nation. Yesterday I had the chance to meet with some of them and discuss the agricultural strides being made in Illinois, as well as how to make the U.S. soybean market stronger than ever."
02/28/2022 Tweet - "While the Ukrainian people put up an historically brave fight in defense of their homeland, the United States should designate Ukraine for Temporary Protected Status. Proud to lead this effort with @SenatorMenendez and @senrobportman ."
12/17/2021 Tweet - "I strongly disagree with the Senate parliamentarian's interpretation of immigration proposals in #BuildBackBetter. But this is not the end of our efforts--I'll keep fighting for immigrant families across the country who deserve better. My full statement:"

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