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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

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Date Title
11/19/2022 Tweet - "The Senate Judiciary Committee is reviewing these serious allegations, which highlight once again the inexcusable "Supreme Court loophole" in federal judicial ethics rules."
10/31/2022 Tweet - "Justice Jackson is right: Why should some families ("legacies") and backgrounds be honored at universities and not others? Affirmative action has helped generations of well-qualified students access higher education--and helps our workforce reflect the diversity of America itself."
10/12/2022 Tweet - "No judge should fear for their life and the safety of their family as they work to deliver equal justice under the law. I'm proud to have worked with Senators Menendez and Booker on this bill, which will provide important protections for federal judges and their families."
08/10/2022 Tweet - "I am glad to see that a federal judge in TX finally implemented the Supreme Court's ruling on "Remain in Mexico" and lifted the injunction that blocked the termination of that policy. I applaud the Administration's efforts to end this shameful practice.'
07/26/2022 Tweet - "The January 6 Committee has answered many questions about that day in frightening detail. But above all else, it paints a portrait of a little man who cannot bring himself to accept reality. He is dragging his party--and perhaps most frighteningly, our democracy--down with him."
07/22/2022 Tweet - "#January6Committee makes it clear: Donald Trump binged on FOX while his mob attacked Capitol police officers."
07/13/2022 Tweet - "It's no secret that BOP has been plagued by misconduct, but I am hopeful that AG Garland and Deputy AG Monaco have chosen the right leader to clear out the bureaucratic rot and reform BOP. It is a tall order, and I look forward to working with Ms. Peters to help her succeed."
06/30/2022 Tweet - "With her exceptional qualifications and record of impartiality, Judge Jackson will no doubt be a Justice who will protect the rights of all Americans and will be committed to America's foundational principles of freedom and equality for all."
06/29/2022 Tweet - "Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony before the January 6 Committee has been praised as "courageous" and dismissed as "unbelievable." It's time for those present for some of the darkest moments for our democracy to come forward under oath and, like her, tell their stories."
06/10/2022 Tweet - "Hats off to the January 6 Committee for a professional and timely presentation of the role of former President Trump in the mob assault on our Capitol. Those of us who lived it want this infamous chapter in American history properly analyzed and preserved."
06/10/2022 Tweet - "Fox News' spineless refusal to broadcast the January 6 Committee hearing is a new low in American journalism. Fair and balanced? More like fearful and biased."
06/10/2022 Tweet - "Special thanks to the January 6 Committee and especially Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger. Will the Illinois Republicans in our Congressional delegation stand by him or former President Trump?"
06/10/2022 Tweet - "After last night's opening of the January 6 Committee, it is clear that Senator McConnell's veto of a bipartisan commission was grounded in fear that the truth of that shameless day would anger Trump. History will not be kind to that brand of political cowardice."
06/02/2022 Tweet - "If these reports prove accurate, this conduct almost certainly contravenes BOP policies, infringes on civil rights and possibly violates federal criminal laws. That's why I'm calling for an investigation into USP Thomson & announcing a @JudiciaryDems hearing on prison conditions."
05/03/2022 Tweet - "In 2006, I asked then-Judge Alito if #RoeVWade was settled law. His answer? "Roe v. Wade is an important precedent... It has been challenged... [and] reaffirmed. That strengthens its value for stare decisis." What changed? A packed conservative majority."
04/08/2022 Tweet - "THREAD: Last night, we confirmed a once-in-a-generation legal talent, a jurist with outstanding credentials, and the first ever Black woman to serve as a Justice of the Supreme Court: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. Her confirmation is a glass-shattering achievement for America."
04/07/2022 Tweet - "Today, we will vote to confirm a once-in-a-generation legal talent, a jurist with outstanding credentials and a lifetime of experience, and the first ever Black woman to serve as a Justice of the Supreme Court: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson."
04/07/2022 Tweet - "With her exceptional qualifications and record of impartiality, Judge Jackson will no doubt be a Justice who will protect the rights of all Americans and will be committed to America's foundational principles of freedom and equality for all. #ConfirmKBJ #AJustice4All"
04/07/2022 Tweet - "Judge Jackson understands the role of a judge and the role of the Judiciary. She is someone who will bring to the bench top-notch qualifications, a breadth of experience in multiple facets of the law, and an unimpeachable character. I'm proud to say I will vote to #ConfirmKBJ"
04/07/2022 Tweet - "In meetings with Senators on both sides of the aisle, Judge Jackson has shown that she's a highly qualified, fair, and independent choice for the bench--and during her @JudiciaryDems hearings, she proved as much to the American people. She has my vote. #ConfirmKBJ #AJustice4All"
04/04/2022 Tweet - "With January 6 and the Big Lie looming large, DOJ has a critical role to play in protecting our nation's election officials from threats of violence. DOJ has taken important steps to address this issue, but more must be done."
04/04/2022 Tweet - "This is the fourth time the Committee has voted on Judge Jackson in some capacity, a reflection of her extraordinary legal career. However, it is the first time that the Committee has advanced the nomination of a Black woman to sit on the Supreme Court."
04/04/2022 Tweet - "Today, @JudiciaryDems will vote on the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve as the first Black woman on the United States Supreme Court. It is an historic moment for this nation and one that we should all be proud of."
04/04/2022 Tweet - "Joining @MSNBC @Morning_Joe shortly to discuss today's @JudiciaryDems vote on Judge Jackson's nomination to the Supreme Court and the latest atrocities in Ukraine. Tune in."
04/04/2022 Tweet - "As the Senate votes to discharge Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination from Committee, it's important to remember the historic nature of this moment. Judge Jackson is breaking down a wall that has stood for far too long. And she is inspiring millions along the way."

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