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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children

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03/08/2022 Tweet - "Congratulations to Carol Browner for winning @PureEarthNow 's Force of Nature award. Carol's tenure as the longest-serving @EPA Administrator was key to establishing numerous, essential programs protecting children's health. I can think of no better recipient of this award."
02/02/2022 Tweet - "For far too long, Big Tobacco and companies like JUUL has been allowed to target "American children with their dangerous and addictive vaping products. I'm live on the Senate floor, calling on @US_FDA to finally take action on e-cigarettes."
12/09/2021 Tweet - "Met with Robert Califf today, President Biden's nominee to lead @US_FDA . I told Dr. Califf that, if he is confirmed, he must use his authority as FDA commissioner to protect our children from a lifetime of nicotine addiction by finally regulating e-cigarettes."
11/30/2021 Tweet - "Sending prayers to Oxford, Michigan tonight, especially for the victims and their families. School should be a safe place. We owe our children and grandchildren that much, at the very least."
11/10/2021 Tweet - "Parents--a COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children as young as five years old. Please talk to your child's health care provider about the vaccine and how best to protect your family."
11/01/2021 Tweet - "Too many children are living with the long-term effects of hearing gunshots, seeing violence in their neighborhood, & losing family to shootings. Congress must pass my bipartisan RISE from Trauma Act to provide trauma-informed resources to help kids heal from emotional scars."
10/12/2021 Tweet - "I am closely monitoring @FDA 's tobacco decisions and remain concerned about how the agency is applying its risk framework. Flavored vaping products are proven to hook kids and that must be prioritized."
10/01/2021 Tweet - "Honored to join @IDPH earlier this week for the first Maternal Health Summit to speak on closing the racial disparity gap in maternal & infant mortality that disproportionally impacts moms & babies of color. With the MOMMA Act, we can improve health outcomes & save lives."
09/15/2021 Tweet - "Cases like these make clear that sexual abuse of young athletes is a persistent problem that teams, athletic associations, and other institutions are failing to prevent. It shocks the conscience when those failures come from law enforcement itself--yet that is what happened here."
09/09/2021 Tweet - "The horrific abuse young athletes have faced is more than a tragedy--it is a systemic failure. Once again someone entrusted to protect and mentor athletes is found to have used his position for his own disgusting motives."
09/09/2021 Tweet - "While I am pleased @US_FDA has rejected all e-cigarette applications to date for failing to show a health benefit, it is unacceptable to delay evaluation of e-cigarettes most responsible for hooking children, like JUUL."
08/31/2021 Tweet - "Pres. Biden's expanded #ChildTaxCredit is already making a real difference in the lives of millions of American children. Let's build on this success by passing his Build Back Better agenda, which will continue to lift millions of children out of poverty."
07/29/2021 Tweet - ""While poverty has fallen most among children, its retreat is remarkably broad: It has dropped among Americans who are white, Black, Latino & Asian, and among Americans of every age group and residents of every state." This is building back better."
07/20/2021 Tweet - "Last week was an important one for millions of Americans as President Biden's expanded Child Tax Credit went into effect. It has been estimated that it could cut child poverty in the United States by half. That's something we should all celebrate."
07/16/2021 Tweet - "Pleased to share that the #AmericanRescuePlan is continuing to help Illinoisans. This week, @ACFHHS announced $21.9 million in ARP funding to boost Illinois' in-person Head Start services to support children in low-income & underserved communities."
07/15/2021 Tweet - "Made possible by the #AmericanRescuePlan & Congressional Democrats, Illinoisans will start receiving monthly #ChildTaxCredit payments that will help families meet their needs & is estimated to cut child poverty in half."
07/15/2021 Tweet - "In America, too many children still go hungry & live below the poverty line. Democrats know that is totally unacceptable, which is why we expanded the #ChildTaxCredit. Payments are hitting bank accounts today -- and we will work to make these permanent."
07/11/2021 Tweet - "Too many kids in Chicago carry the burden of trauma without a helping hand. That's why I've made it a priority to increase funding and improve access to services for children and families who experience trauma. This is how we can start to break the cycle of violence."
07/09/2021 Tweet - "In less than one week, millions of families will start receiving #ChildTaxCredit payments, thanks to the American Rescue Plan. Glad to be in Springfield yesterday to discuss how this will help local families and lift children out of poverty."
07/06/2021 Tweet - "Proud to stand with families and leaders in Chicago today to celebrate the expansion of the #ChildTaxCredit. Beginning on July 15, working families will receive up to $300 per child in tax credit payments every month thanks to the American Rescue Plan."
03/06/2021 Tweet - "Tired, but still fighting off bad GOP amendments @ 10AM. Our criminal justice system is in many respects broken. Instead of working to repair it, Sen. Cassidy's amendment would result in further injustices. Kids shouldn't go hungry because they have a parent who is incarcerated."
02/09/2021 Tweet - "Proud to join @SenBooker & @RepUnderwood in introducing the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act. Black women are three to four times more likely than white women to die as a result of their pregnancy--we must do everything we can to close the racial health disparity gap in America."
01/12/2021 Tweet - "The Trump Administration's cruelty toward migrant children has been among its most awful legacies. I strongly oppose efforts to eliminate the Flores Agreement. Glad the 9th Circuit has blocked the Admin's plan to indefinitely detain children."
12/05/2020 Tweet - "It has been more than 5 months since the Supreme Court rejected Pres. Trump's "arbitrary and capricious" effort to end deportation protections for Dreamers. The President must immediately comply with the Court's decision & reopen DACA to all eligible individuals."
12/01/2020 Tweet - "Spoke w/Mark Shriver from @SavetheChildren today about prioritizing the wellbeing of children in a new COVID-19 relief package, especially in rural & underserved communities. Access to food, health care, & child care has never been more important to the wellbeing of the next gen."

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