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Dick Durbin's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending

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Date Title
11/17/2021 Tweet - "Illinois is a big winner in the bipartisan infrastructure package. White heavy check mark $ 9.8B for highways White heavy check mark $4B for transit White heavy check mark $1.7B for drinking and waste water improvements White heavy check mark $1.4B for bridges White heavy check mark $616M for airports White heavy check mark $149M for electric vehicle infrastructure White heavy check mark $100M for expanded broadband"
11/17/2021 Tweet - "Top rating agencies said today that President Biden's #BuildBackBetter plan will not increase inflation. In fact, economists have said it will ease inflationary pressures over the long term. Time for Senator McConnell and objectors to find some new talking points."
11/17/2021 Tweet - "This federal funding will be a tremendous boost to Rockford. I'm especially pleased that it includes funds to support clean and reliable transportation infrastructure, including electric buses."
11/16/2021 MSNBC "The Beat with Ari Melber" - Transcript: Interview with Sen. Dick Durbin
11/15/2021 Durbin, Duckworth Announce $1.6 Million In Telehealth Funding For Illinois Health Care Providers
11/01/2021 Letter to Cindy Huang, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement - Durbin Calls For HHS OIG Investigation & ORR Action On Recent Report Concerning Afghan Refugee Children Being Cared For At Shelter In Illinois
11/01/2021 Letter to Christi A. Grimm, Principal Deputy Inspector General of the Department of Health & Human Services - Durbin Calls For HHS OIG Investigation & ORR Action On Recent Report Concerning Afghan Refugee Children Being Cared For At Shelter In Illinois
10/29/2021 Tweet - "My RISE from Trauma Act would allow for additional funding for violence prevention programs in schools, health care settings, and community organizations like Metropolitan Family Services."
10/26/2021 Tweet - "We have never gone wrong in America when we invest in the people of this country. President Biden's Build Back Better plan is just that--an investment in the American people. It's about leaving the next generation with the tools they need to win the 21st century."
10/22/2021 Tweet - "This morning I visited @LaCasaNorte and sat down with community leaders to discuss how the American Rescue Plan addresses housing needs, health care, and food insecurity in Chicago, and what more needs to be done. That's why I'm working to pass the #BuildBackBetter agenda."
10/21/2021 Tweet - "With the rising cost of college, many students can't afford to buy textbooks for class. I'm pleased to see @SenateApprops set aside $14M in FY22's appropriations bill for my Open Textbook Pilot Program to make quality instructional materials more accessible to students."
10/21/2021 Durbin, King, Smith, And Sinema Secure $14 Million For Open Textbook Pilot Program In Senate Appropriations Committee Annual Spending Bill
10/03/2021 CNN "State of the Union with Jake Tapper" - Transcript: Interview with Dick Durbin
09/30/2021 Durbin Statement On Senate Passage Of Continuing Resolution
09/30/2021 Tweet - "Why is keeping America's government open and functioning a political issue? I'm glad we passed a bill to fund the government through December 3, but cannot understand the Republican default wish that keeps us lurching from one deadline to the next."
09/29/2021 Tweet - "Disappointed by today's decision by the Parliamentarian, but the push for immigration via reconciliation continues. There's too much at stake."
09/28/2021 Tweet - "If Senate Republicans want to force Democrats to suspend the debt ceiling alone, then so be it. But first Sen. McConnell needs to either lift his filibuster requiring 60 votes for passage or he needs to support @SenSchumer's request to allow a simple majority to pass this vote."
09/28/2021 Tweet - "If Senate Republicans want to force Democrats to suspend the debt ceiling on our own, then all they have to do is allow us to remove the 60 vote threshold. They'll have the chance to do so shortly on the Senate floor. I urge them to take it."
09/28/2021 Tweet - "Senate Republicans have decided to keep the 60 vote threshold and continue to filibuster Democrats' efforts to suspend the debt ceiling. They are courting economic catastrophe for the sake of scoring cheap political points."
09/27/2021 Durbin Statement On Senate Republicans Voting Against House-Passed CR & Debt Ceiling
09/27/2021 Tweet - "Senator McConnell is playing a dangerous game with the debt ceiling. This self-created crisis of his would cost the American people dearly. I hope he comes to his senses soon and works with Democrats to keep the government funded and paying its bills on time."
09/27/2021 Tweet - "This is a disastrous dine-and-dash by Congressional Republicans that America cannot afford."
09/27/2021 Tweet - "Republicans are risking the full faith and credit of the United States with this self-created debt limit standoff. They need to stop playing games with America's financial future. Far too much is at stake."
09/26/2021 Tweet - "This is where Senator McConnell wants to take us. All to avoid paying for the debt he helped create with the Trump tax cuts. He alone owns this disaster."
09/24/2021 Tweet - "Senator McConnell is courting disaster by threatening to allow the United States to default on our national debt. Every single American stands to lose something if he follows through with this cynical scheme."

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