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Olympia Snowe's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
07/23/2007 Snowe Reacts To White House Progress Report On Iraq
03/05/2007 Letter to Chief Of Legislative Liaison Major General Galen B. Jackman
02/20/2007 Following Snowe's Protest Senate Set to Debate Iraq Resolution
02/15/2007 Letter to The Honorable Robert M. Gates Secretary of Defense
02/09/2007 Letter to Senators Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Richard Durbin, and Trent Lott
02/05/2007 National Intelligence Estimate Reinforces Need For Political Solution In Iraq
01/18/2007 Snowe Supports Bipartisan Senate Iraq Resolution
01/10/2007 Snowe Congratulates Maine Military Authority On Department Of Defense Award
12/08/2006 Re-shaping our Presence in Iraq
12/07/2006 Snowe Statement On Confirmation of Robert Gates As Secretary of Defense
12/07/2006 Snowe Statement On Release Of Iraq Study Group Report
12/06/2006 Nomination of Robert M. Gates
12/01/2006 Snowe: Iraqis Must 'Take Ownership'
11/15/2006 Snowe Supports Effort to Restore Special Inspector General For Iraq Reconstruction
11/14/2006 Heroics of Alan Johnston
10/11/2006 Snowe Calls for Reassessment of Stragegy in Iraq
09/11/2006 Snowe Votes for 2 Sections of Iraq Intelligence Report
08/14/2006 Letter to Secretary of the Army Dr. Francis Harvey
06/23/2006 Letter to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld
06/21/2006 National Defense Authorizaton Act for Fiscal Year 2007
06/12/2006 Snowe Pledges to Keep Government's Promise to Veterans
05/08/2006 Snowe Votes for Supplemental Funds for Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Hurricane Recovery
04/05/2006 Snowe, Johnson Call for Support of Cancer Research Porgrams
04/05/2006 Snowe Delivers Eulogy Honoring Former Reagan Defense Secretary Weinberger Today
12/16/2005 Snowe Statement on Historic Iraqi Elections

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