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Olympia Snowe's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans

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Date Title
06/08/2012 Snowe Addresses 92nd State Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary
10/08/2009 Snowe Reiterates Call for Implementation of Veteran's Interagency Task Force
03/15/2007 Statements On Introduced Bills And Joint Resolutions
02/16/2007 Snowe, Salazar Urge Army to Fix Body Armor Shortfall
02/07/2007 Snowe Disappointed By President's Budget Plan For Veterans Health Care
02/01/2007 Snowe Calls For Increased Support Of Veteran Small Business Owners
01/31/2007 Snowe Calls For More Support Of Veteran Small Business Owners
01/16/2007 Snowe Lays Out Ambitious 2007 Legislative Agenda
01/01/2007 Senator Olympia J. Snowe Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship "Assessing Federal Small Business Assistance Programs
12/21/2006 Snowe, Lincoln Call For Full Funding of Veterans Benefits Programs
11/14/2006 Snowe Honors Our Nations Veterans
09/29/2006 Snowe Calls on the House to Pass Cost of Living Increase for Veterans
09/22/2006 Snowe Praises Passage of Cost of Living Increase for Veterans
08/14/2006 Snowe Honors Vietnam Veterans
07/19/2006 National Veterans Business Development Corporation
06/22/2006 Snowe Cosponsors Amendment to Ensure Free Credit Check/Fraud Monitoring for Veterans
06/12/2006 Snowe Pledges to Keep Government's Promise to Veterans
06/08/2006 Letter to Secretary of the Department of Veterans' Affairs R. James Nicholson
06/08/2006 Snowe Honors America's Veterans at Memorial Day Tribute in Old Orchard Beach
05/08/2006 Letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson
05/08/2006 Snowe Votes for Supplemental Funds for Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, Hurricane Recovery
04/26/2006 More Funding Necessary For Veterans Medical Research Program
04/17/2006 Snowe, Collins Call on VA to Evaluate Surgical Practicies and Standards
03/15/2006 Snowe Votes to Maintain Veterans Health Care Funding
10/20/2005 Disabled Veterans and Other Persons with Disabilities

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