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Ben Cardin's Public Statements on Issue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Date Title
06/27/2020 Cardin Statement on LGBTQ Pride Month 2020
06/07/2019 Cardin Statement on LGBT Pride Month 2019
06/04/2018 Cardin Responds to Masterpiece Cakeshop Ruling
07/26/2017 Cardin Statement on President Trump's Move to Ban Transgender Individuals from Serving in the U.S. Military
06/16/2017 Cardin Statement on LGBT Pride 2017
04/17/2017 Cardin Statement on Reported Anti-LGBT Campaign in Chechnya
02/22/2017 Cardin Statement on the Trump Administration's Reversal of Transgender Protections for Students
01/24/2017 Cardin Statement on LGBT Rights, Issues at Start of Trump Administration
07/22/2016 Cardin Statement on 41st Baltimore Pride Celebration
06/13/2016 Cardin Statement on the Orlando Shooting
03/06/2015 Brief of 167 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 44 U.S. Senators as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
01/07/2015 Cardin Signs on as Original Cosponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act
06/13/2014 Cardin Statement on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month 2014
11/07/2013 Cardin Statement On Senate Passage Of ENDA
06/26/2013 Cardin Praises Supreme Court Ruling On Marriage Equality
11/07/2012 Cardin Urges Bipartisanship and Real Action Solving America's Challenges
05/09/2012 Statement by U.S. Senator Ben Cardin on President Obama's Announcement that He Supports Marriage Equality
11/10/2011 Cardin Praises Senate Judiciary Passage of Bill to Repeal DOMA
12/10/2010 Cardin Cosponsors Stand-Alone Bill to Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy
11/30/2010 Cardin Statement on Release of the Pentagon's Don't Ask, Don't Tell Report
09/21/2010 Cardin Statement on Don't Ask, Don't Tell
03/04/2010 Cardin Signs on as Original Cosponsor of Bill to Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell
02/02/2010 Cardin Statement on Reversing Don't Ask, Don't Tell