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Ben Cardin's Public Statements

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Date Title
06/05/2024 Cardin Says the Right to Contraception Act would have Knocked Down Barriers to Women’s Health
04/02/2024 Chair Cardin Statement on the Tragic Deaths of World Central Kitchen Aid Workers in Gaza
03/05/2024 Cardin, Kaine Statement on the Importance of Peru Respecting Judicial Independence
11/16/2023 Chair Cardin, Foreign Relations Democratic Senators Statement on President Biden's Meeting with PRC President Xi Jinping
09/29/2023 Cardin, Risch Meet with NATO Ambassadors
09/27/2023 Cardin Named Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
03/27/2023 Murray, Shaheen, 36 Colleagues Write to Pentagon Underscoring National Security Imperative to Provide Abortion Leave for Service Members
03/21/2023 Booker, Menendez, SFRC Colleagues Statement on Recent Palestinian Authority, Israel Meetings
11/29/2022 Cardin: Congress Had to Ensure that Marriage Equality is Respected at the National Level
10/25/2022 Sens. Rick Scott, Jim Risch and Colleagues Release Statement on Sham Conviction of Jimmy Lai
09/22/2022 Cardin Votes to Restore Transparency in Political Campaigns
08/10/2022 Letter to Isabel Guzman, Administrator of the Small Business Administration - Cortez Masto Calls on Administration to Release Unspent COVID Relief Funds to Restaurants
07/25/2022 Letter to Hon. Robert M. Califf, Commissioner of the FDA - Senator Baldwin Voices Support for FDA's Proposed "Life-Saving" Ban on Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars
07/20/2022 Senators Introduce Reforms to the Electoral Count Act of 1887
07/13/2022 Cardin Cites Urgency of Climate Crisis as Reason to Strongly Support Biden Administration's Proposed Transportation Emissions Reduction Framework
06/23/2022 Virginia and Maryland Senators Welcome Silver Line Expansion Milestone, Urge Safe, Expeditious Completion of Project
06/21/2022 Rep Lieu And Senator Menendez Lead Bicameral Resolution Honoring Refugees
05/19/2022 Cardin "Deeply Disappointed" By Failed Senate Vote on RRF Replenishment
04/06/2022 Maryland Delegation Confronts IRS Commissioner on Backlogs During Virtual Meeting
03/28/2022 Hoyer, Cardin, Van Hollen, Brown, Hogan, And Alsobrooks Applaud The Inclusion Of Language Providing For The New FBI Headquarters In President Biden's 2023 Budget
03/04/2022 Baldwin Supports Bipartisan Senate Resolution to Hold Putin Accountable for War Crimes, Human Rights Abuses in Ukraine
03/04/2022 Mfume, Cardin Lead Congressional Delegation Push to Reauthorize Baltimore National Heritage Area
02/17/2022 With Approval of the Latest Short-Term Budget Fix, Cardin Urges Quick Finalization of FY22 Appropriations
02/16/2022 Cardin, Murkowski Introduce Bill to Expand Medicare Coverage for Families with History of Cancer Genes
02/15/2022 Cardin: Congress Stands United With President Biden Against Russian Aggression

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