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John Conyers, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net


Date Title
09/13/2017 Conyers Applauds Bernie Sanders' Senate Introduction of Medicare for All Legislation
06/13/2017 Lawson Introduces Bill to Extend the Life of Social Security
09/23/2016 Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for Hearing on "The Ultimate Civil Right: Examining the Hyde Amendment and the
07/06/2016 Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for the Hearing on the "Federal Government on Autopilot: Mandatory Spending and the Entitlement Crisis"
04/20/2016 Conyers: Charges in Flint Water Crisis are not the Final Resolution to Long-Standing Inequities
06/25/2015 Conyers: Compassion and Common Sense Prevail in the Case of King v. Burwell
06/20/2014 After Failing to Renew Unemployment Insurance, Congress Is a Culprit in Foreclosure Crisis
05/06/2014 Conyers: "Extending Unemployment Insurance Is the Least Congress Can Do"
03/24/2014 Conyers: Under Obamacare, Michigan Medicare Enrollees Have Saved $350 Million on Prescription Drugs
11/01/2013 Conyers Calls for Immediate Consideration of his Extend -- Not Cut -- SNAP Legislation
10/29/2013 Conyers, Congressional Colleagues, and Advocates Call to Extend - Not Cut - SNAP Benefits
04/25/2013 Conyers Co-Sponsors Legislation Boosting Mental Health Access to Veterans
04/18/2013 Conyers and House Democrats Urge President Obama to Shield Social Security
02/14/2013 Conyers Reintroduces National Single-Payer Health Care Bill
07/11/2012 Conyers: Health Care Repeal Vote a Time Wasting Political Temper Tantrum
04/17/2012 Same Old Republican Tricks: No to the Buffett Rule, Another Yes to Voucherizing Medicare and Taxing the Poor
12/13/2011 Conyers: Congress Must Pass Clean Unemployment Insurance Extension
04/14/2011 Conyers Calls on Colleagues to Raise the Debt Ceiling
12/06/2010 Conyers Opposed to Tax Cuts for the Wealthy: We Can't Mortgage the Future of Social Security and Medicare
01/07/2010 Conyers Calls For Universal Coverage Of All Americans, A Strong Public Option And A National Exchange
11/07/2009 Worker, Homeownership And Business Assistance Act Of 2009 Goes To President To Get Signed Into Law