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Fred Upton's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

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Date Title
04/12/2018 Hearing of the Energy Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2019 Department of Energy Budget
03/15/2017 Hearing of the Energy Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Modernizing Energy Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities to Expanding Hydropower Generation
02/01/2017 Hearing of the Energy Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement by Rep. Upton, Hearing on the Electricity Sector's Efforts to Respond to Cybersecurity Threats
11/16/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee and the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on "Understanding the Role of Connected Devices in Recent Cyber Attacks"
11/15/2016 Hearing of the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on "Disrupter Series: Self-Driving Cars"
09/14/2016 Hearing of the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Disrupter Series: Advanced Robotics
09/12/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Subcommittee Vote on H.R. 2566 and H.R. 2669
09/08/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Rural Call Quality and Reliability
07/13/2016 Hearing of the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Health Care Apps
07/12/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission
05/24/2016 Hearing of the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on "Legislative Hearing on 17 FTC Bills"
05/17/2016 Hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Full Committee Markup of H.R. 4775, the Ozone Standards Implementation Act and H.R. 4979, the Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Act
05/11/2016 Hearing of the Energy and Power Subcommittee and the Environment and the Economy Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Markup on "Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2016," and H.R. 4979, the "Advanced Nuclear Technology Development Act of 2016."
04/26/2016 Hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Markup of Bills
04/19/2016 Hearing of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on "Deciphering the Debate Over Encryption: Industry and Law Enforcement Perspectives"
04/18/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Markup of Bills
03/22/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on "Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission"
02/10/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on "H.R. 2666, No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act, H.R. 1301, Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015; and, H.R. __, Small Business Broadband Deployment Act"
01/12/2016 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, A Legislative Hearing on Four Communications Bills
01/12/2016 Hearing of the Energy and Power Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on EPS Improvement Act of 2016
12/02/2015 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Subcommittee Vote on Legislative Package to Improve Broadband Deployment and H.R. 1641, the Federal Spectrum Incentive Act
12/01/2015 Hearing of the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on "The Disrupter Series: Mobile Payments"
10/28/2015 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Breaking Down Barriers to Broadband Infrastructure Deployment
10/27/2015 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Common Carrier Regulation of the Internet: Investment Impacts
10/07/2015 Hearing of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Opening Statement of Rep. Upton, Hearing on Improving Federal Spectrum Systems

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