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Sandy Levin's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action

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Date Title
06/27/2018 Levin Statement on SCOTUS Decision in Janus v. AFSCME
08/05/2016 Levin Statement on July Jobs Report
05/19/2016 Payne, Jr., Nearly 90 Members Issue Joint Statement on Verizon Labor Negotiations
05/16/2016 Levin Statement on Colombia Labor Petition
04/22/2016 House Democrats Issue Joint Statement on 3rd Anniversary of Bangladesh Rana Plaza Collapse
03/18/2016 Levin Statement on Department of Labor Peru Report
10/05/2015 Levin Statement Following Conclusion of TPP Negotiations in Atlanta
07/23/2015 Levin Statement on ILRF Complaint that Peru Labor Practices in Violation of Free Trade Agreement
07/09/2015 Rep. Levin Statement on Reports of Change in Malaysia Human Trafficking Ranking
07/07/2015 Rep. Levin Statement on Visit by Vietnam General Secretary
06/24/2015 Levin: Focus Must Now Be On Vital Issues In TPP
04/24/2015 Levin: TPA Bill Mainly a Wish List, Not a Condition List
01/15/2015 Levin Statement on New Report on Wage Growth
11/13/2014 Miller, Levin Statement on New GAO Reports on Labor and Environmental Trade Obligations
08/05/2014 Joint Statement on the U.S. Africa Leaders Summit and the 13th Annual AGOA Forum
06/24/2014 Statement from Levin on Bipartisan Senate Unemployment Insurance Bill
03/07/2014 Levin Statement on Senate Vote to Extend Unemployment Insurance
01/10/2014 Levin Statement on December Jobs Report
12/11/2012 Effort Begins Today to Reverse Wrong-Headed "Right-to-Work" Laws
11/02/2012 Statement on October Jobs Report
08/09/2012 Statement on July Jobs Report
07/06/2012 Levin -- Statement on June Jobs Report
04/16/2012 Levin -- Statement on Colombia Action Plan on Labor Rights
01/24/2012 Levin -- Opening Statement At Conference Committee Meeting on H.R. 3630
12/22/2011 Statement on Agreement to Extend Payroll Tax Cut, Unemployment Insurance

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