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Sandy Levin's Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net

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Date Title
01/30/2014 Levin Statement on CMS Report Showing Accountable Care Organizations Saved Medicare $380 Million
01/22/2014 Levin Releases GAO Report on High Profitability of Medicare Special Needs Plans
01/14/2014 Levin Statement on Senate Republican Votes to Block Unemployment Insurance Extension
01/06/2014 Levin Statement on CMS Report Showing Decline in National Health Expenditures from 2011 to 2012
01/06/2014 Levin Statement on CMS Report Showing Decline in National Health Expenditures from 2011 to 2012
12/12/2013 Levin Opening Statement at Markup of: H.R. 2810 "Medicare Patient Access and Quality Improvement Act of 2013"
10/30/2013 Levin Statement at Farm Bill Conference Committee Meeting
09/13/2012 New Data Shows Health Care Reform Reducing Ranks of the Uninsured
09/11/2012 Political Resolution Based on Discredited Claim Just Another Example of GOP's failed Leadership, Dem Reps. Say
06/21/2012 Norquist Meeting Highlights GOP Refusal To Ask Wealthiest to Contribute to Deficit Reduction
05/31/2012 Hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee - Medical Device Tax, Health Care FSAs, and HSAs
04/20/2012 Politico - Bipartisanship Lost?
03/30/2012 New Health Care Law Should be Preserved
03/23/2012 Levin and Stark Statements on The Two Year Anniversary of Health Reform
03/23/2012 Levin Releases Michigan Health Reform Report Card
03/20/2012 Levin Statement on GOP Budget Proposal
03/20/2012 Levin -- Statement on GOP Budget Proposal
02/16/2012 Statement on Conference Committee Report
01/24/2012 Levin -- Opening Statement At Conference Committee Meeting on H.R. 3630
12/22/2011 Statement on Agreement to Extend Payroll Tax Cut, Unemployment Insurance
10/27/2011 Levin Statement on Select Committee Talks
09/08/2011 Stark, Levin Statements on New CMS Report that Shows Millions of Seniors Benefiting From Affordable Care Act
09/07/2011 Floor Statement on H.R. 2832
07/26/2011 Hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee - Tax Reform and Consumption-Based Tax Systems
07/01/2011 As Medicare Turns 45, Democrats Vow to Preserve It

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