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Pete King's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

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Date Title
02/16/2016 Newsday - Schumer, King, NYPD Critical of Obama Cuts to Anti-terror Funding
06/08/2015 Washington Examiner - Rep. King Calls Rand Paul's NSA Filibuster 'Shameful and Disgusting'
05/20/2015 Newsmax - Peter King: Paul Marathon 'Putting Our National Security at Risk'
05/16/2015 Long Island Press - Long Island Reps Back Bill to End NSA Bulk Collection
02/26/2015 Daily News - Brooklyn Terror Suspects Show it's Insane to Not Approve Money for Homeland Security
02/10/2015 The Washington Times - King Calls His 2011 House Hearings on Islam Justified
01/07/2015 New York Daily News - Paris Slaughter Vindicates Surveillance of City's Muslims, Rep. Pete King Says
11/18/2014 Politico - The Terrorism Safety Net
09/27/2014 LI Herald - Seaford's Peter King Faces Pair for House Seat
09/22/2014 Daily News - Rep. Peter King Blasts Security Lapses at White House Entrance, Demands Investigation
08/12/2014 Peter King: ISIL 'More Powerful than Al Qaeda on 9/11'
07/14/2014 Newsday - Amityville Fire Department to Buy Breathing Equipment with Grant Money
03/27/2014 Newsday - NYC Faces Federal Cuts for Nuclear Detection
11/25/2013 New York Post - Politicians Cross the Aisle to Condemn Obama's Iran Deal
11/14/2013 Newsday - Rep. Peter King gives pep talk to NSA staff
10/28/2013 Daily News - Rep. Peter King Defends U.S. Spying on German Leader, Even as Allies Fume
08/12/2013 Newsday - Rep. Pete King Blasts Obama Over NSA Reforms
08/09/2013 Politico - Al Qaeda's Return Complicates Civil Liberties Debate
08/02/2013 Politico - Peter King: Plot "Most Specific I've Seen'
07/10/2013 Washington Times - Lawmakers Accuse FBI of Stonewalling Boston Marathon Bombing Inquiries
06/14/2013 Politico - Peter King: "Thank God' for NSA program
06/10/2013 The Hill - Rep. King: Prosecute NSA Leaker to "Fullest Extent of the Law'
06/06/2013 Daily News - Obama names Susan Rice National Security Adviser After Donilon Steps Down
05/22/2013 Daily News - N.Y., N.J., Pols Aren't Holding Grudges Against Okla. for Sandy "No" Votes
05/22/2013 Politico - Peter King Sees Disaster Relief "Hypocrisy'

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