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Ed Towns' Public Statements

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Date Title
08/01/2011 Towns' Statement in Opposition to the Compromise Debt Ceiling bill
07/20/2011 Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2011
07/15/2011 Support Reunification of Cyprus
05/13/2011 Supporting Taiwan's Membership in International Organizations
10/07/2010 Letter to Judith Enck, Regional Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency
07/21/2010 Prosecution of Citizens Videotaping Police in the Line of Duty
07/15/2010 Telework Improvements Act of 2010
06/10/2010 Job Creation
05/28/2010 Protect Camp Ashraf
05/27/2010 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011--Continued--
05/27/2010 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
05/26/2010 Small Business Job Creation
05/01/2010 A Call for $23 Billion Teacher Jobs Fund
10/21/2009 Towns' Statement On The Passage Of The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act Of 2009
09/30/2009 Hearing Of The House Committee On Oversight And Government Reform - Hearing: Credit Rating Agencies And The Next Financial Crisis
03/17/2009 Reducing Information Control Designations Act
03/05/2009 Increased Student Achievement Through Increased Student Support Act
09/25/2008 Senior Professional Performance Act of 2008
09/25/2008 Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008
09/25/2008 Inspector General Reform Act of 2008
06/23/2008 Energy
05/06/2008 Facilitating Preservation of Certain Affordable Housing Dwelling Units
04/25/2008 US Reps. Meeks, Rangel, Towns, Clarke and Cheeks Kilpatrick, New York State Senate Democratic Leader Malcolm A. Smith and Southeast Queens Elected Officials Issued a Joint Statement on the Sean Bell Verdict
04/23/2008 Close the Contractor Fraud Loophole Act
04/23/2008 Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008

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