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Carolyn Maloney's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

Date Title
07/05/2022 Norton, Maloney, Brown File Amendment to Give D.C. Mayor Control Over D.C. National Guard
09/02/2021 Van Hollen, Norton, Maloney, Carper and Brown Announce Bill to Give D.C. Mayor Control Over D.C. National Guard Passed by House Armed Services Committee
08/30/2021 Van Hollen, Norton, Maloney, Carper, and Brown Announce Their Bill to Give D.C. Mayor Control Over D.C. National Guard Included in National Defense Authorization Act, Markup Wednesday
08/16/2021 Oversight Committee Releases New Documents Showing Proposed Cuts to Naval Audit Service are "Not Justified"
07/22/2021 Reps. Maloney, Connolly, Kinzinger, and Burchett Reintroduce Bipartisan Passport Backlog Elimination Act
06/17/2021 Rep. Maloney Urges Colleagues to End Forever Wars, Repeal the 2002 AUMF
12/28/2020 Maloney Votes to Override Trump Veto & Provide $2,000 Economic Impact Payments
11/19/2020 Chair Maloney: Denying Health Issues of K2 Vets Reminiscent of 9/11 Health Fight
11/19/2020 Maloney Celebrates Inclusion of Corporate Transparency Act in FY2021 NDAA
06/26/2019 Maloney, Houlahan, Smith Introduce Paid Leave Amendment to NDAA
07/27/2018 Maloney Praises NDAA Provision Holding Turkey Accountable for Its Aggressions
08/29/2017 Rep. Maloney Condemns North Korea Missile Launch over Japan
08/30/2013 Maloney Urges Caution on Syria
02/06/2013 Reps. Grimm, Maloney Introduce Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) Reauthorization
06/08/2010 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
06/25/2009 Maloney Amendment Requires Navy To Report Progress On Rape Database
10/17/2008 Rep. Maloney Gets 100% Rating from Children's Defense Fund
09/24/2008 Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009
12/06/2007 Schumer, Maloney Invite OMB Director Nussle to Explain Administration's Economic Cost of War Estimates...
11/13/2007 New JEC Report Reveals Total Economic Costs of War Could Exceed $3.5 Trillion if U.S. Stays the Course
06/06/2007 Rep. Courtney Leads Bipartisan Effort for Independent GAO Study into Body Armor Protection for U.S. Troops
05/10/2007 Maloney Statement on Iraq Accountability Act
03/20/2007 Wexler and 246 Members of Congress Urge EU Not to Provide Aid to New Palestinian Government