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Carolyn Maloney's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

Date Title
05/18/2022 Oversight, Armed Services, And Intelligence Committee Chairs On Report Finding Retaliation Against Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Vindman
03/20/2022 In Amicus Brief, Brown, Durbin, Blumenthal, Brown, Maloney, Norton, And Wexler Call On Supreme Court To Ensure Military Reservists Do Not Lose Pay When Called To Active Military Duty
12/07/2021 Van Hollen, Norton, Carper, Maloney, Brown Express Disappointment that Final NDAA Does Not Give D.C. Mayor Control Over D.C. National Guard
12/02/2021 Norton, Van Hollen, Carper, Maloney, Brown Express Disappointment That Final NDAA Does Not Give D.C. Mayor Control Over D.C. National Guard
08/26/2021 Chairs Maloney and Lynch Issue Statement on Terror Attacks in Afghanistan
08/16/2021 Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney Statement on Situation in Afghanistan
11/11/2020 Chairman Lynch Announces Subcommittee Hearing on Toxic Exposures at Karshi-Khanabad Air Base
07/23/2020 Oversight Committee Held Bipartisan Hearing to Hold Lockheed Martin Accountable
07/21/2020 Maloney Votes No on FY2021 NDAA
07/10/2020 Homeland and Oversight Chairs Issue Statement on Coast Guard's Refusal to Appear for Public Hearing
05/26/2020 Oversight Chairs Respond to Sudden Resignation of Pentagon IG Official
12/13/2019 Maloney Bill to Provide Paid Leave to Federal Workers Passed in House Defense Spending Agreement
10/13/2017 Maloney Statement on Trump Decision to Withhold Certification of Iran Deal
07/26/2017 Rep. Maloney Condemns President's Decision to Ban Transgender Americans from Serving in the Military
05/07/2014 Maloney Statement on Draft TRIA Proposal
08/31/2013 Rep. Maloney Cheers Pres. Obama's Decision to Seek Congressional Approval Before Deploying Military Strike on Syria
09/12/2012 Maloney Statement on Deaths of U.S. Diplomats in Libya
03/30/2012 Department of Defense Now in Compliance with Maloney Military-Crime Database Effort
02/09/2012 Rep. Maloney Statement on New Pentagon Rules on Women in Combat
05/02/2011 Maloney Statement on Death of Bin Laden
03/17/2011 Maloney Supports Kucinich Resolution to Withdraw U.S. Troops From Afghanistan
07/27/2010 Maloney Statement on War Supplemental Funding
05/15/2008 Rep. Maloney on Emergency Supplemental
05/25/2007 Maloney Statement on U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act