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Carolyn Maloney's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

Date Title
07/22/2022 Castro, Clarke, Luján Lead Congressional Call for FCC to Establish New Diversity Reporting Requirements for Media Licensees and Regulatees
06/29/2021 Rep. Deutch Leads Reintroduction of Ban on 3D Printed Guns with Senators Markey and Menendez
03/10/2021 Maloney Votes to Send American Rescue Plan to President Biden's Desk
06/25/2020 Congressional Cybersecurity Leaders Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Establish a National Cyber Director
08/03/2018 Reps. Deutch, Wasserman Schultz, Schneider & Maloney Introduce Bill to Block 3D-Printed Gun Blueprints
04/24/2018 Judiciary and Oversight Committee Democrats Issue Joint Statement After Interview with Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower
02/21/2018 Rep. Mimi Walters' Amendment Included In Major Sex Trafficking Legislation
01/16/2018 Congressman Smith Joins Congressman Doyle and Colleagues in Announcing Legislation to Save Net Neutrality
01/17/2013 Creating jobs in New York City
09/18/2012 Rep. Maloney: Google Does the Right Thing on Sex-For-Pay App
09/10/2012 Reps. Maloney, Nadler & King Hail Inclusion of Cancer Under 9/11 Health Program
04/04/2012 Reps. Maloney and Blackburn Join Efforts to Address Online Promotion of Human Trafficking
09/23/2010 Reps. Maloney and Nadler applaud FCC for allocating spectrum for use of wireless microphones
04/20/2010 Maloney-mccaskill Law Creating Federal Contractor Database Takes Effect Thursday
09/02/2007 Maloney, Gillmor Introduce "File Freeze" Bill to Prevent Identity Theft
07/27/2007 NYC Firefighters Deserve a Better Communications System