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Jerry Nadler's Public Statements on Issue: Defense


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 12

Date Title
09/23/2021 Nadler Comments on Passage of Iron Dome Supplemental Appropriations Act
01/30/2020 Rep. Nadler Statement on Amendments Limiting President Trump's War Powers
01/08/2020 Rep. Nadler Statement on President Trump's Actions Escalating Hostilities with Iran
07/11/2019 Chairman Nadler Statement for the Markup of H.R. 3304, the National Guard and Reservists Debt Relief Extension Act
04/26/2017 Congressman Nadler Statement Warning President Trump Has "Zero" Legal Authority to Order Military Action Against North Korea Without Congressional Authorization
04/07/2017 Congressman Nadler Statement on President Trump's "Illegal and Unconstitutional" Military Strike on Syria
01/25/2017 Conyers, Nadler, Cohen & Raskin to Trump: Torture Is Wrong & Your Black Sites Order Is Illegal
07/14/2015 Congressman Nadler Statement on the Proposed P5+1 Nuclear Agreement with Iran
09/12/2014 Rep. Nadler: Congressional Authorization Required on Expanded Use of Force Against ISIL
09/17/2013 Rep. Nadler Praises President Obama on Agreement to Eliminate Syria's Chemical Weapons
08/28/2013 Nadler: Constitution Requires Congressional Authorization on Use of Force Against Syria
05/23/2013 Nadler Applauds President Obama's Increased Transparency on National Security Issues, Urges Colleagues to Work with President on Core Civil Liberty Concerns
05/17/2012 Nadler Renews Call for Immediate Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Afghanistan
10/21/2011 Nadler Hails Long-Awaited End of U.S. War in Iraq
04/25/2011 Joint Statement by Respect for Marriage Act Sponsors on King & Spalding's Withdrawal from DOMA Defense
04/15/2011 Hearing of the Judiciary Subcommittee of the House Constitution Committee - Repeal of the Defense Marriage Act (DOMA)
11/09/2010 Nadler: Bush Memoir Proves Criminal Use of Torture, Requires Accountability for the Sake of American Principles and Safety
07/27/2010 Conyers, Nadler, and Scott Call for Federal Study of Indigent Defense Crisis
07/01/2010 Nadler: We Must End the War in Afghanistan Now
12/02/2009 Nadler Opposes U.S. Surge In Afghanistan
04/21/2009 Nadler Hails President's Decision On Torture Investigations And Potential Prosecutions
07/14/2008 Rep. Nadler: Feith Explains Role in Bush Interrogation "Rules"
06/26/2008 Hearing of the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee - From the Department of Justice to Guantanamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules, Part III
12/20/2007 Rep. Nadler Denounces President's Hijacking of Funding Bill