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Jerry Nadler's Public Statements on Issue: Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 12

Date Title
09/25/2020 Nadler, Lofgren Denounce DHS Proposal Targeting International Students, Journalists
07/09/2020 GAO Report: Education Department Decision to Scrap Obama-Era School Discipline Guidance in Response to Mass Shootings is Unfounded
05/06/2020 Nadler, Scott Statement on Education Department's Final Title IX Rule
03/15/2020 Reps. Nadler, Maloney, Meng, Velázquez, Rose, Ocasio-Cortez, Jeffries, Clarke, Engel, Meeks, Serrano, and Espaillat Call for Closure of New York City Schools
07/16/2019 Scanlon Introduces Legislation to Protect Student Loan Borrowers
07/11/2019 Chairman Nadler Statement for the Markup of H.R. 3311, the Small Business Reorganization Act
06/25/2019 Chairman Nadler Statement for the Subcommittee Hearing on Oversight of Bankruptcy Law and Legislative Proposals
06/20/2019 Congressman Nadler Statement on H.R. 2740, FY20 Appropriations Minibus
05/13/2019 Neguse, Nadler, Katko, Durbin & Warren Introduce Bill Making Bankruptcy Relief Available for Student Loan Borrowers
05/10/2019 Nadler, Katko, Neguse, Durbin & Warren Introduce Bill Making Bankruptcy Relief Available For Student Loan Borrowers
05/09/2019 Durbin, Warren, Nadler, Katko Introduce Bill Making Bankruptcy Relief Available For Student Loan Borrowers
05/23/2018 Bipartisan, Bicameral Anti-Semitism Awareness Act Introduced
04/04/2018 Nadler, Scott Release New GAO Report that Proves Students of Color Suffer Harsher Discipline for Lesser Offenses
06/20/2017 Congressman Nadler Joins Rep. Meng and Other NYC Members to Introduce Bill to Boost College Completion
05/23/2017 Reps. Nadler, Serrano, Espaillat Continue Push Calling for Department of Education to Reconsider Decision to Cut Funds for Upward Bound
08/21/2013 Head Start Cuts Hurt Children, Weaken Our Future
05/22/2013 Serrano, Crowley, Nadler Respond to Settlement of Lawsuit on PCBs in Schools
07/17/2012 Nadler Statement on City Council Land Use Committee Approval of NYU Expansion Plan
04/11/2012 Nadler Applauds Key Progress on Discussions Around NYU's 2031 Expansion Plan, Reiterates Need for Balanced, Scaled Growth
04/15/2011 Nadler Blasts Republican Budget for Ending Medicare As We Know It