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Jerry Nadler's Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 12

Date Title
04/06/2022 Joint Statement by Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney and Rep. Jerrold Nadler on the Departure of Rupa Bhattacharyya Special Master of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
11/01/2019 Rep. Nadler and Local Leaders Commemorate Superstorm Sandy Anniversary, Announce Legislation to Expand Access to FEMA Disaster Assistance
09/22/2018 Ranking Member Nadler Statement on DHS Federal Rule Proposal to Restrict Legal Immigrants from Using Public Benefits
06/25/2015 Congressman Nadler Statement on Supreme Court Decision Upholding ACA in King v. Burwell
06/09/2014 Rep. Nadler's Statement on Section 8 Housing Vouchers and Funding America's National Transportation Infrastructure
12/12/2013 Rep. Nadler's Statement on the Bipartisan Budget Agreement
12/06/2013 Social Security is Healthy, Doesn't Increase Federal Deficit
04/05/2013 Nadler Statement on Reports of White House Budget that Includes Chained CPI, Resulting in Cuts to Social Security and Other Benefits
01/24/2013 Nadler Denounces Proposed Cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
12/18/2012 Nadler Denounces GOP Effort to Cut Social Security Benefits
06/06/2012 Nadler Amendment to Ensure Benefits to All First Responders Passes Judiciary Committee
11/17/2011 Nadler Statement in Support of Transportation-Housing Appropriations Bill
07/20/2011 Gang of Six Plan Would Punish the Middle Class
07/19/2011 Nadler Denounces Republicans' "Cut, Cap, and End Medicare Act"
04/15/2011 Nadler Blasts Republican Budget for Ending Medicare As We Know It
08/26/2010 We Will Not be Able to Trust the Recommendations of the Commission if Simpson Remains Chair
03/19/2010 Statement Of Reps. Maloney & Nadler On Rejection Of WTC Settlement
02/04/2008 Bush Budget Cuts Apple to the Core