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Maurice Hinchey's Public Statements

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Date Title
09/11/2012 Hinchey Statement on the 11th Anniversary of September 11th Attacks
07/18/2012 Hinchey Statement on Sequestration Transparency Act
07/10/2012 Hinchey Slams American Petroleum Institute & America's Natural Gas Alliance for Attack on EPA's Hydraulic Fracturing Study
06/28/2012 Hinchey Lauds Supreme Court's Ruling on Affordable Care Act
05/09/2012 Hinchey Statement on President Obama's Support for Same-Sex Marriage
05/04/2012 Hinchey Statement on Interior Department's Draft Rule for Disclosure of Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing on Public Lands
04/18/2012 Hinchey Applauds Addition of Hudson Estuary to "Great Waters" List
04/18/2012 Hinchey Applauds EPA's Finalization of Air Quality Standards to Protect Against Shale Gas Drilling Pollution
04/12/2012 Hinchey Statement on Creation of New York Health Care Exchange
03/29/2012 Hinchey: House Republican Budget Ends Promise of Medicare while Cutting Taxes for Millionaires and Billionaires
03/02/2012 Hinchey Statement in Support of Sandra Fluke
01/25/2012 Hinchey Reacts to State of the Union Remarks on Fracking
01/24/2012 Hinchey Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address
12/20/2011 Hinchey Statement on Refusal to Allow Up or Down Vote on Bipartisan Payroll Tax Cut Extension
12/19/2011 Hinchey Statement on Payroll Tax Cut Extension Vote
11/03/2011 Hinchey Applauds EPA for Finalizing Research Plan on Hydraulic Fracturing
10/21/2011 Hinchey Statement on President Obama's Iraq Announcement
10/20/2011 Hinchey Asks Federal and State Regulators to Examine Mortgage Rules on Gas Drilling Leases to Protect Homeowners and Local Lenders
10/14/2011 Hinchey Votes to Protect Women's Health Care Choices from Dangerous GOP Assault on Constitutionally Protected Rights
10/13/2011 Hinchey Votes to Restore Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers Who Lost Jobs Due to Unfair Trade Deals
10/07/2011 Blumenauer to Regulators: "Draft a Strong Volcker Rule to Protect Consumers"
10/04/2011 Continuing Resolution is Just a Down Payment, More Action Needed to Provide Disaster Recovery Funds for Farmers and FEMA
09/28/2011 Hinchey Lauds EPA Release of Health Assessment Declaring TCE a Carcinogen and Health Hazard
09/28/2011 Hinchey Calls for Congressional Action to Create Jobs, Restore the Middle Class
09/27/2011 Letter to Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Homeland Security and Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General

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