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Rob Portman's Public Statements on Issue: Elections

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Date Title
10/12/2016 Portman for Senate Spends $235,000 Re-Releasing "Cleveland's Fair Share" and "Cleveland's Biggest Enemy"
10/11/2016 Wall Street Journal - Democrats Redeploy Ohio Money to New Senate Battlegrounds
10/11/2016 BREAKING: Democrats Officially Abandon Ted Strickland
10/10/2016 Portman for Senate Releases New TV Ad "Second Chance"
10/08/2016 Columbus Dispatch - Editorial: For Congress - Portman, Beatty, Stivers and Tiberi
10/08/2016 Portman Statement on Presidential Race
09/26/2016 Portman Campaign Rings up 4 Million Contacts
06/30/2016 New Radio Ad: Ted Strickland Turned His Back on Ohio
06/28/2016 Rewind: "Gov. Strickland is doing an appalling job for Ohio"
06/27/2016 Elizabeth Warren's Visit Reminds Ohio That Retread Ted Gets "More Progressive By The Day"
06/24/2016 A Tale of Two Weeks: Underwater Edition
06/23/2016 Portman Campaign Releases Much-Anticipated Web Ad
06/21/2016 WATCH: Why Does Ted Continue to Stand with Anti-Coal Clinton?
06/20/2016 Rewind: Strickland Offered Devastating Budget 7 Years Ago
06/16/2016 ICYMI: Portman Campaign Launches First Radio Ad
06/15/2016 New Radio Ad: Ted Strickland "No Friend" to Appalachia
06/03/2016 ICYMI: "A Political Blow" to Ted Strickland
06/03/2016 A Tale of Two Weeks: Part II
06/02/2016 United Mine Workers of America Endorses Rob Portman
06/01/2016 Portman for Senate Launches First TV Ads
05/27/2016 A Tale of Two Weeks
05/24/2016 Portman for Senate Releases New Web Ad "Paycheck"
05/23/2016 Politico - "Portman Brings on 500 Interns to Power Field Program"
05/18/2016 Ohio's Economy Got (Ice) Creamed Under Ted Strickland
06/27/2014 The Daily Caller - It's Time For AG Holder To Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate The IRS

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