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John Boehner's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking

Date Title
04/22/2015 No More Regulation Without Representation
12/04/2014 House Passes Two More Bills to Help Families, Small Businesses
12/03/2014 Speaker Boehner on the ABLE Act: A Simple But Powerful Idea
04/25/2012 Congressman Boehner: House Will Vote to Extend Student Loan Rates, Cut ObamaCare Slush Fund
08/05/2011 Congressman Boehner Statement on Action by S&P
12/15/2010 Boehner: Eye-Opening Report Details Gov't Mortgage Companies' Role in Financial Meltdown
12/03/2010 Boehner Statement on President Obama's Fiscal Commission
07/21/2010 Boehner: "President Obama Can Have his Victory Lap -- the American People just Want their Country Back."
07/15/2010 Boehner: Republicans Offered Better Solution to Hold Wall Street Accountable
06/30/2010 Boehner: Dems' Financial Regulation Bill Kills Jobs, Fails American Taxpayers
05/18/2010 Constituent Mailbag: Your Questions Answered on Financial Regulation
04/27/2010 President Obama's Permanent Bailout Bill Rewards Wall Street, Hurts Local Banks And Ohio Families
04/27/2010 Web Video: President Obama's Permanent Bailout Bill Leaves Local Small Banks Feeling "Too Small To Survive"
04/27/2010 Boehner Highlights Democrats' "Serious Credibility Gap"
04/26/2010 Boehner: Americans Want Reform, Not More Wall Street Bailouts From Washington Democrats
04/22/2010 Web Video: Job-Killing Bailout Bill Rewards Democratic Donors, Hurts Local Banks
04/16/2010 Boehner Statement On SEC Charges Against Goldman Sachs, President Obama's Top Wall Street Ally
04/14/2010 Boehner To President Obama: The American People Don't Want A Job-Killing Permanent Bailout For Wall Street
02/05/2010 Boehner Urges Obama Administration To Scrap Partisan Fiscal Commission Proposal And Start Over
03/20/2009 Shock & Outrage That Could Have Been Avoided
05/07/2008 Boehner: Majority Undermines American Dream with Bailout of Scam Artists, Speculators