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Marcy Kaptur's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (OH) - District 9

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Date Title
04/15/2021 Senators Gillibrand And Sanders, Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Pascrell, And Kaptur Call On Congress To Implement Postal Banking Pilot Programs
10/04/2017 Kaptur Sponsors Bill that will Shut Down Megabanks that Abuse Customers
06/05/2017 Kaptur, Jones Vow to Keep Fighting to Reinstate Glass-Steagall
02/14/2017 Kaptur Calls Out President Trump's Goldman Sachs Team
02/01/2017 Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Lawmakers Call For Reinstatement of Glass-Steagall
02/01/2017 Reps. Kaptur, Jones, Ryan and Gabbard Call to Reinstate Key Protections to Rein in Wall Street
06/29/2016 Rep. Kaptur, Cleveland Community Leaders Focus On Postal Service Improvements
06/21/2016 Rep. Kaptur, Sen. Brown, Others Seek GAO Inquiry Into Handling of Central States Pension Fund Investments
10/14/2015 Rep. Kaptur Ex-Im Lake Erie Coastal Tour Highlights N. Ohio Jobs, Growth
04/15/2015 Kaptur Votes to Protect Homeowners from Predatory Lending, Unfair Interest Rate
04/15/2015 Kaptur Votes to Protect Homeowners from Predatory Lending, Unfair Interest Rate
12/17/2014 Kaptur Opposed Dodd-Frank Rider During Appropriations Markup
10/29/2014 Kaptur Announces Federal Grants For Toledo Fair Housing Center
06/26/2013 Bring Back Glass-Steagall (H.R. 129)
01/30/2012 Kaptur: Freddie Mac Betting Against American Homeowners Completely Unacceptable
11/17/2011 Kaptur Helps Secure Funding in "Minibus' for Additional FBI Agents to Investigate Financial Crimes
04/30/2010 Kaptur Welcomes Report Of Justice Department Criminal Investigation Into Goldman Sachs
04/16/2010 Reps. Grijalva and Kaptur Introduce Legislation To Allow Homeowners Facing Foreclosure To Remain As Renters
03/01/2010 Credit Union Legislation Would Make More Credit Available To Small Business
10/20/2009 On Anderson Cooper 360, Kaptur Blasts Wall Street Bankers
10/13/2009 On Bill Moyers Journal, Kaptur Calls For Reform Of Financial Institutions
05/25/2009 Kaptur Applauds Enactment Of Credit Cardholders' Bill Of Rights
05/21/2009 Kaptur Votes To Send Credit Cardholders' Bill Of Rights To President's Desk
10/27/2008 Decrying Concentration, Kaptur Calls on Administration To Stop Takeovers of Local Banks
10/20/2008 Kaptur Urges Bernanke to Alter Response to Economic Emergency

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