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Sherrod Brown's Public Statements on Issue: K-12 Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (OH) - Sr

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Date Title
06/29/2011 13 Senators Team Up to Assure LGBT Youth that "It Gets Better"
06/08/2011 With School Year Coming to a Close, Brown Outlines Vital Nutrition Assistance Program to Ensure Needy Students Don't Go Hungry in Summer Months
05/04/2011 In Nation's Capital, Sen. Brown Encourages Civic Engagement During Meeting with Findlay High Students
05/03/2011 In Nation's Capitol, Sen. Brown Congratulates SCPA Student for Achieving National Community Service Award
05/25/2010 Hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (H.E.L.P.) Committee - Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
05/10/2010 Brown Praises Clark Montessori School's Advancement to Final Round of President Obama's Commencement Challenge
04/01/2010 Brown Chairs Hearing on Career and College Readiness in Columbus
07/20/2009 Chillicothe Gazette - New Senate Bill Would Help Build Student, Worker Success
06/24/2009 The Plain Dealer - Brown Proposes Expanded Meals Program to Cover All Students at Schools in Low-Income Areas
06/24/2009 Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions
09/30/2008 Workforce Policy
07/31/2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act--Conference Report
10/23/2007 Brown Announces Senate Passage Of Labor, Health And Human Services, And Education Spending Bill
10/12/2007 Brown Statement On National YouthBuild Program
11/06/2006 CNN Larry King Live - Transcript
01/20/2004 Brown Responds to President's State of the Union Address
Issue Position: Education

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