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Jim Inhofe's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction

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Date Title
08/18/2022 Inhofe Joins Bill Prohibiting Taxpayer Funded Abortions For Illegal Immigrants
07/15/2022 Inhofe, Colleagues Introduce Standing with Moms Act
06/01/2022 Inhofe, 47 Senators Will Vote to Block Taxpayer Funding for Abortion
05/19/2022 Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Pregnant Students Rights Act
05/11/2022 Inhofe Response After Voting Against Radical Abortion on Demand Bill
03/18/2022 Blackburn, Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Effort to Nullify Biden Administration Rule, Stop Federal Grants to Abortion Providers
03/18/2022 Inhofe Joins Rubio, Colleagues in Effort to Nullify Biden Administration Rule, Stop Federal Grants to Abortion Providers
03/17/2022 Lankford, Rubio and Colleagues Want to Nullify Biden Administration Rule, Stop Federal Grants to Abortion Providers
08/11/2021 Majority of Democrats Oppose Inhofe Amendment to Protect Individuals with Down Syndrome
07/01/2021 Lankford, Blackburn Work to End Taxpayer Support for Abortion
07/01/2021 Blackburn, Colleagues Reintroduce the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act
04/22/2021 Sen. Blackburn Introduces the Woman's Right to Know Act
04/20/2021 Inhofe, Lankford, Daines Push Senate to Protect Life
01/29/2021 Rubio, Inhofe, Colleagues Reintroduce the Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act
01/29/2021 Sens. Cruz, Hyde-Smith Introduce Bill to Strengthen Controls of Dangerous Chemical Abortion Drugs
01/29/2021 Sens. Cruz, Lankford, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Stop Taxpayer Dollars From Supporting Abortion-Providers
01/29/2021 Inhofe Marks March for Life, Stands for Life by Supporting Eighteen Pieces of Pro-Life Legislation
01/28/2021 Inhofe Leads Senators to Re-Introduce the Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act
01/27/2021 Inhofe, Graham, Senate Colleagues Reintroduce The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
02/25/2020 Inhofe Votes for Pro-Life Bills
02/10/2020 Inhofe, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Prohibit Teleabortions
02/07/2020 Senator Lankford, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Prohibit Teleabortions
09/27/2019 Inhofe Joins Bill to Ensure Dignified Burial for Aborted Fetal Remains
02/25/2019 Inhofe Votes for Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
01/19/2018 Inhofe Praises 45th Annual March for Life

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