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Jim Inhofe's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

Date Title
07/22/2021 Graham, Senators Reintroduce Legislation To Combat 'Smash-And-Grab'
01/29/2021 Inhofe Marks March for Life, Stands for Life by Supporting Eighteen Pieces of Pro-Life Legislation
01/28/2021 Inhofe Leads Senators to Re-Introduce the Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act
01/27/2021 Inhofe, Graham, Senate Colleagues Reintroduce The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
06/03/2020 Inhofe Speaks in Support of Peaceful Protests, Military's Role
03/04/2020 Inhofe Joins Colleagues in Resolution Calling on Olympic Committee to Move 2022 Olympic Games Out of Communist China
10/05/2018 Bipartisan Senators Denounce China's Human Rights Abuses
04/05/2017 Inhofe, Lankford Cosponsor Bill to Protect Rights of Child Welfare Charities
02/02/2017 Grassley Resolution Would Reverse Obama-Era Regulation Limiting Second Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries
01/25/2017 Crapo Reintroduces Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries
06/20/2016 Inhofe Votes to Protect Second Amendment Rights for Law-Abiding Citizens
08/04/2015 Senator Lankford Introduces Bill to Protect Conscience Rights of Americans
08/03/2015 Daines Leads 27 Senators in Urging State Department to Halt Misguided ITAR Changes
08/06/2013 Enzi, Barrasso Defend Legislative Prayer
09/11/2012 Inhofe, Five GOP Senators Express Disappointment for DoD Failing to Comply to Move Act
01/26/2011 Inhofe: We Need a Balanced Budget Amendment Now More Than Ever
06/18/2010 Inhofe Speaks Out On Morocco's Human Rights Violations
07/28/2009 Delegation Questions Justice Department's Threat To Cut Federal Funding
05/06/2009 Inhofe Introduces English Language Legislation
02/26/2009 Inhofe Welcomes Senate Passage of Amendment that will Prohibit Reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine
02/25/2009 Inhofe Responds to Holder's Remarks on Gitmo
01/06/2009 Inhofe Introduces Legislation to end the Fairness Doctrine
12/19/2008 Inhofe, Chambliss, Cornyn, Martinez, Sessions, Thune Statement on SASC Inquiry into Detainee Treatment
07/15/2008 Inhofe Co-Sponsors Resolution Rejecting Zimbabwe's Manipulated Election Results