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Ron Wyden's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
08/13/2020 Wyden, Merkley Will Introduce Legislation to Defend Property Owners' Rights from Eminent Domain Claims for Natural Gas Pipelines
08/01/2019 Wyden Introduces Bill to Improve Safety of Oil Trains, Protect Local Communities Against Derailments
03/28/2019 15 Coastal Senators to Oppose Interior Secretary Nomination
10/23/2018 Wyden Applauds Governor Brown's Executive Order Banning Oil Drilling Off Oregon Coast
01/04/2018 Wyden Statement on Trump Administration's Decision to Allow West Coast Drilling
01/05/2017 Wyden, Merkley Introduce Bill to Protect the Pacific Coast from Offshore Drilling
06/23/2016 Wyden, Merkley Statement on Federal Railroad Administration Report on Mosier Oil Train Derailment
06/06/2016 Oregon Leaders call for Oil Train Moratorium in the Columbia River Gorge
02/03/2016 Wyden, Durbin, Casey, Merkley Introduce Amendment to Increase Transparency for Oil-by-Rail Transportation
04/06/2015 Wyden: NTSB Recommendations Show Need for New Rail Tank Car Standards
01/26/2015 Wyden Statement on Senate Republican Leaders Cutting off Keystone Debate
01/22/2015 Wyden Secures Bipartisan Senate Majority for Closing Tar Sands Tax Loophole
01/13/2015 Wyden Amendments to Keystone XL Pipeline Bill to End Taxpayer Subsidy for Tar Sands Cleanup, Reduce Wasted Natural Gas
07/23/2014 Wyden Statement on Proposed DOT Oil Train Rule
05/29/2014 Wyden Statement on New DOE Process for LNG Terminal Decisions
05/07/2014 Wyden: DOT Oil Trains Order a Positive Step, But Communities Need More Security
03/24/2014 Wyden Applauds Approval of Jordan Cove LNG Terminal
11/15/2013 Wyden Statement on Fifth LNG Export Permit Approval
09/11/2013 Senator Wyden Statement on Cove Point Approval
03/01/2013 Wyden Calls for Full Analysis of Keystone XL Impacts on U.S. Consumers
11/02/2012 Wyden: U.S. Should Reconsider Rubber-Stamping LNG Exports as Part of a 21st-Century Energy Policy
01/18/2012 Wyden Statement on the Administration's Disapproval of the Keystone XL Pipeline
01/25/2011 West Coast Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Pacific Coast from New Offshore Oil Drilling