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Ron Wyden's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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Date Title
12/01/2021 Wyden Statement on Congressman DeFazio Announcement
07/30/2021 Wyden Statement on DOJ Opinion on Ways and Means' Trump Taxes Request
04/05/2021 Wyden Statement on Parliamentarian's Ruling on Revising Budget Resolutions
01/08/2021 Wyden Statement on Senators Cruz and Hawley
08/11/2020 Wyden and Grijalva on New Interior Inspector General Report: Officials "Orchestrated A Cover-up To Protect Secretary Bernhardt During His Confirmation"
03/12/2020 Wyden Statement on Claims The President Can Spy on Americans Without Congressional Approval
12/18/2019 Wyden Statement on the U.S. House Impeaching Donald Trump
12/06/2019 Wyden Statement on Republican Chairmen Laundering Russian Propaganda
11/12/2019 Wyden statement on Rick Gates' testimony in Roger Stone's trial
07/31/2019 Wyden Announces Hold on Interior Nominee over Concerns Nominee Lied to Congress about Political Appointees Interfering with Access to Public Records
07/02/2019 Wyden Statement on House of Representatives Lawsuit for Donald Trump Tax Returns
12/21/2017 Sens. Paul, Wyden, Lee, and Leahy Release Joint Statement on FISA Reform
10/25/2017 Wyden Votes Against Intelligence Committee Spying Bill
10/20/2017 Wyden Supports Successful PILT Amendment
10/05/2017 Wyden Votes Against Nominee for Immigration Services
09/29/2017 Wyden Statement on Senate Budget Resolution
06/13/2017 As Republicans Attempt To Jam Secret Trumpcare Bill Through Senate Without Hearings, Senate Dems Announce The "No Hearing, No Vote Act" To Require All Fast-Tracked Reconciliation Bills Be Subject To A Committee Hearing Before A Final Senate Vote
05/17/2017 Wyden Statement on Appointment of Special Counsel
05/04/2017 Wyden Statement on House Passage of Trumpcare
05/03/2017 Senators Introduce Bill to Boost Next-Generation Hydro Power
05/03/2017 Wyden, Merkley, Bonamici Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Extend Urgently Needed Lifeline to Rural Oregon Counties
04/04/2017 Wyden, Merkley Join in Honoring Equal Pay Day, Reintroduce Paycheck Fairness Act
04/04/2017 Wyden, Paul, Polis and Farenthold Bill Requires Warrants to Search Americans' Digital Devices at the Border
03/08/2017 Merkley, Wyden, Bonamici, Defazio, Schrader, Reintroduce Bipartisan Timber Innovation Act
03/07/2017 Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Permanently Authorize, Fully Fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund

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