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Ron Wyden's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
07/18/2022 Wyden Statement on Path Forward on Clean Energy
08/09/2021 Wyden Statement on Budget Resolution
04/27/2021 Wyden Statement at Finance Committee Hearing on the Climate Crisis and the U.S. Tax Code
04/22/2021 Wyden Statement on President Biden's Commitment to Cut U.S. Emissions in Half
04/22/2021 Wyden Statement on Republicans' Infrastructure Proposal
03/23/2021 Wyden Statement on New Report on Path Forward on Clean Energy
12/20/2020 Wyden Statement on End-Of-Year Extenders Package
12/20/2020 Wyden Statement on Clean Energy Provisions in End-of-Year Tax Package
08/13/2020 Wyden, Merkley Will Introduce Legislation to Defend Property Owners' Rights from Eminent Domain Claims for Natural Gas Pipelines
05/28/2020 Wyden Statement on Treasury Extending Renewable Energy Deadlines
04/15/2020 Senator Markey and Rep. Barragán Lead Letter Opposing Use of CARES Act Funds to Bailout Fossil Fuel Industry
03/30/2020 Merkley, Wyden, Colleagues Plan to Introduce Legislation to Protect Oregonians' Access to Electricity and Gas
03/12/2020 Wyden Statement on Confirmation of Another Republican FERC Nominee
03/03/2020 Wyden on FERC Nominee Vote: "The Trump administration appears determined to overthrow any semblance of independence at the FERC"
12/20/2019 Merkley, Wyden Announce Investments in Small Ports, Irrigation Districts, Renewable Energy Included in 2020 Spending Bill
09/25/2019 ENR Advances Consensus Energy Storage Legislation
08/01/2019 Wyden Introduces Bill to Improve Safety of Oil Trains, Protect Local Communities Against Derailments
06/21/2019 Wyden, Cortez Masto Introduce Geothermal Energy Opportunities Act
06/14/2019 Reed Seeks to Help RI Harness Power of Waves, Tides, & Ocean Technology to Create Sustainable Energy & Job Growth
06/12/2019 Senators Introduce Legislation to Encourage Innovation, Boost Next-Generation Hydro Power
06/06/2019 Wyden Reintroduces Legislation to Bolster Renewable Energy Development, Protect Power Grid from Natural Disasters
05/22/2019 Wyden, Merkley Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Promote Cleaner Transportation Fuel, Healthier Forests
05/10/2019 Klobuchar, Wyden, Senators Introduce Legislation to Combat Climate Change, Invest in Clean Energy
03/28/2019 15 Coastal Senators to Oppose Interior Secretary Nomination
03/18/2019 Merkley, Wyden Announce $2.5 Million for Offshore Wind Energy Research

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