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Ron Wyden's Public Statements on Issue: Guns

Date Title
07/26/2022 Wyden, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Combat Increased Use of Dangerous Gun Conversion Devices
06/24/2022 Wyden Statement on the Senate Passage of Bipartisan Gun Reform
06/23/2021 Duckworth Joins Blumenthal and Wyden in Introducing Expanded Legislation to Protect Domestic Abuse Survivors from Firearm Violence
06/23/2021 Wyden, Blumenthal Introduce Expanded Legislation to Protect Domestic Abuse Survivors From Gun Violence
05/25/2021 Wyden Co-sponsors Safe Gun Storage Act
03/16/2021 Wyden Co-sponsors Legislation Closing Loophole to Protect Domestic Abuse Survivors
03/05/2021 Wyden, Colleagues Introduce "No Check, No Sale" Bill to Close Charleston Loophole
03/04/2021 Wyden, Merkley Reintroduce Bill to Reduce Gun Violence
08/06/2020 With Gun Sales & Domestic Violence Surging Amid Pandemic, Blumenthal, Himes, Colleagues Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Close Dangerous Loophole to Protect Domestic Abuse Survivors
06/25/2020 Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce "No Check, No Sale" Bill To Close Loophole Allowing Gun Sales Without A Completed Background Check
06/13/2019 Menendez, Markey and Deutch Call for Ban on 3D Printed Guns
07/17/2018 Wyden Introduces Legislation to Hold Gun Dealers Accountable for Illegal Gun Sales
10/25/2017 Wyden, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Expand Background Checks and Reduce Gun Violence
01/21/2016 Democratic Senators and Leading Researchers Push for Funding Gun Violence Research at CDC
01/21/2016 Murphy, Blumenthal, Colleagues, Leading Researchers Push for Funding Gun Violence Research at CDC
10/08/2015 Wyden, Merkley Call for Action to Stop Gun Violence
03/13/2009 Wyden Asks Interior Department for Help in Finding New Location for Redmond Gun Club, Law Enforcement, Military Training Facility