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Ron Wyden's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children

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Date Title
11/29/2023 Wyden Urges Congress to Act on Affordable Child Care for All
09/12/2023 Wyden Calls for Expansion of Child Tax Credit
06/15/2023 Wyden, Warren, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Improve Access to Quality, Affordable Child Care for American Families
06/09/2023 Wyden and Pallone urge CMS to Protect Health Care Coverage During Medicaid Redetermination Process
09/20/2021 Wyden, Merkley: Four Oregon Colleges to Receive More than $400,000 for Child Care for Student Parents
07/15/2021 Wyden-Thune Bill to Improve Child Support Enforcement for Native American Tribes Passes Senate
06/29/2021 Wyden Introduces Children's Savings Accounts to Invest in Economic Future of Nation's Children
06/08/2021 Wyden Co-sponsors Bill to End LGBTQ+ and Religious Discrimination in the Child Welfare System
05/25/2021 Bipartisan Youth Workforce Readiness Act of 2021 Introduced in Congress
05/14/2021 Wyden, Merkley: Three Oregon Counties to Receive Housing Vouchers for Foster Youth
05/14/2021 Portman, Colleagues Announce "Kids to Parks Day" Resolution
05/14/2021 Bipartisan Group of Senators Announce "Kids to Parks Day" Resolution
05/13/2021 Wyden, Welch Introduce Legislation to Improve Child Nutrition
04/29/2021 Jayapal, Markey, and Lawmakers Introduce THRIVE Act
04/27/2021 Wyden Joins Warren to Introduce Universal Child Care and Early Learning Act
04/23/2021 Wyden Joins Colleagues to Reintroduce Child Care for Working Families Act
04/22/2021 Wyden, Merkley Resolution Honoring Beverly Cleary Passes Senate
03/30/2021 Wyden, Warren, Brown, Casey, Smith Announce Plans to Introduce New Bill to Build Child Care Infrastructure and Availability
03/02/2021 Thune, Wyden Reintroduce Bill to Improve Child Support Enforcement for Native American Tribes
02/04/2021 Wyden, Gillibrand, Brown, Hirono and Eshoo Reintroduce Invest in Child Safety Act to Protect Children from Online Exploitation
02/04/2021 Eshoo, Wyden, Gillibrand, Brown, and Hirono Reintroduce Invest in Child Safety Act to Protect Children from Online Exploitation
09/23/2020 Merkley, Senate Colleagues Introduce Resolution Recognizing Children's Fundamental Rights and Climate Recovery Planning
06/13/2019 Gillibrand Announces "Every Child Deserves a Family" Legislation to End Discrimination Against LQBTQ Adoptive Parents, Foster Parents and Children in the Federal Foster Care System and Help Give More Children a Loving Home
02/07/2019 Harris and Wyden Lead Colleagues in Reintroduction of Legislation to Improve Resettlement Process for Unaccompanied Children, Protect Sponsors
11/27/2018 Wyden Statement on HHS IG Report that Trump Administration Waived Background Checks for Staff at Tornillo Influx Facility

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