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Peter DeFazio's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

Date Title
08/25/2021 Congressman DeFazio Votes to Defend Voting Rights From Partisan Voter Suppression Attacks
06/14/2021 Levin, Chu Reintroduce Legislation Giving Same-Sex Couples Fair Treatment Under Tax Law
03/08/2021 Defazio Applauds Biden's Support to Rein in "Endless Wars', Re-Introduces War Powers Legislation to Reaffirm Congress's Constitutional Authority
08/08/2020 Reps. Defazio, Adams Call for Postmaster General to Step Down
07/31/2020 Chair Defazio Introduces Legislation to Rein in Federal Protection Statute that Trump Administration Is Using as Cover for Civil Rights Abuses in Portland, Oregon
07/30/2020 Statement from Rep. Peter Defazio on Ongoing Clashes Between Protesters and Law Enforcement Officers Across Oregon
06/26/2020 DeFazio Votes In Favor Of Justice In Policing Act
06/19/2019 Rep. Peter Defazio Re-Introduces War Powers Legislation to Reaffirm Congress's Constitutional Authority
05/17/2018 DeFazio Introduces Legislation Addressing Sexual Assault and Harassment in Passenger Transportation
07/26/2017 CRS Finds Air Traffic Control Privatization Plan Likely Violates U.S. Constitution
07/19/2017 DeFazio Introduces Balanced Budget Amendment
06/20/2017 Sens. Murray, Cantwell Join 196 Members of Congress Asking the Court to Compel President Trump to Obey the Constitution
07/13/2016 Bipartisan House Members Announce Fourth Amendment Caucus
01/09/2014 DeFazio Calls Fast Track Trade Bill "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'
11/18/2011 DeFazio Bucks Party, Supports Balanced Budget Amendment