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Jack Reed's Public Statements on Issue: Elections

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Date Title
12/09/2016 Reed Backs Bipartisan Probe into Russian Cyberthreats
12/01/2016 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Regarding Russian Government and US Election
11/29/2016 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States - Regarding Additional Information Concerning the Russian Government and the U.S. Election
09/16/2016 Letter to the Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Reject Efforts to Block Corporate Political Spending Disclosure
09/15/2016 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader, US Senate - Reject Efforts to Block Corporate Political Spending Disclosure
01/07/2016 Letter to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States of America - Concerning Campaign Contributions
12/22/2015 Letter to the Hon. Mary Jo White, Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission - SEC Action on Corporate Political Spending Disclosure
08/31/2015 Letter to the Hon. Mary Jo White, Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission - Transparency in Political Spending by Public Companies
06/23/2015 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Executive Order Requiring Disclosure of Political Spending by Government Contractors
09/09/2014 ISIL
04/02/2014 Statement by Senator Jack Reed on the US Supreme Court Ruling in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission
02/27/2014 Letter to Jacob Lew, Secretary of the Department of the Treasury and John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Set Clear Rules for Political Activity by Dark Money Groups
02/27/2014 Letter to Jacob Lew, Secretary of the Department of the Treasury and John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - End Unlimited Secret Spending in Elections by Tax-Exempt Groups
02/27/2014 Letter to Jacob Lew, Secretary of the Treasury and John Koskinen, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Guidance for Tax-Exempt Social Welfare Organizations on Candidate-Related Political Activities
11/13/2013 Letter to Secretary John Kerry, State Department - Free and Fair Elections in Honduras
05/13/2013 Reed Wants Investigation into IRS Discrimination Allegations
07/16/2012 Disclose Act of 2012--Motion to Proceed--Continued
06/25/2012 Food and Drug Administration Reform Act
06/14/2012 Reed Statement on President's Plan to Help the Middle-Class
01/21/2012 Reed Wants Campaign Finance Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Controversial Citizens United Ruling
09/23/2010 Reed: DISCLOSE Act "Essential to Reducing the Influence of Special Interests in Washington"
03/01/2008 Journal Washington Bureau - Sen. Reed Endorses Obama, While Praising Clinton
02/17/2008 CNN's Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer

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