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Jack Reed's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

Date Title
06/28/2022 Reed, Whitehouse, & Cicilline Applaud Biden Administration Expansion of Protections for Liberians in the U.S.
07/09/2021 Shaheen Announces Growing Bipartisan Support for Her Bill to Protect Afghan Allies through SIV Program
06/18/2020 Reed Cheers SCOTUS Decision Upholding DACA Protections
09/18/2019 Casey, 26 Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Trump Administration's So-Called "Public Charge" Rule
09/17/2019 Wyden, 26 Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Trump Administration's So-Called "Public Charge" Rule
06/26/2018 Reed Calls Supreme Court Muslim Ban Ruling a "Serious Blow to Religious Freedom"
06/20/2018 Reed Statement on Trump's Family Separation Executive Order
06/11/2018 Reed & Whitehouse Seek to Reverse Trump Administration's Forced Family Separation Policy at the Border
02/13/2018 Reed: Trump Broke Protections for Dreamers, Time for U.S. Senate to Fix It
01/30/2017 Reed Joins Feinstein, Colleagues in Introducing Bill to Undo Trump's Discriminatory Order on Immigration, Refugees
01/25/2017 Reed, Heinrich Join Senate Democrats Introducing Bill to Safeguard DREAMer Data
05/26/2016 Shaheen Introduces Amendment to Extend Afghan Special Immigrant Visa Program through 2017 and Authorize 4,000 Additional Visas
09/17/2015 Reed Announces $250,000 Citizenship and Integration Grant for Progreso Latino
03/31/2015 Reed Honors Enduring Legacy of César Chávez
11/20/2014 Reed Applauds DHS Temporary Protected Status Designations for Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone
09/26/2014 Reed Applauds Obama Administration Decision to Extend Immigration Status for Liberians
09/10/2014 Reed Says it Would be "Inhumane" for U.S. to Deport Thousands of Liberians During Ebola Outbreak Crisis in Their Home Country
03/12/2013 Lawmakers Seek To Prevent Liberians From Being Deported
06/15/2012 Reed Welcomes Obama's Change in Immigration Policy
08/16/2011 Reed Applauds Obama's Decision to Grant 18 Month Extension of Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians
04/01/2011 Reed Reintroduces the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act
03/20/2009 Reed & Whitehouse Applaud Obama Decision to Extend Liberians Stay in U.S.
06/14/2007 Senate Appropriations Committee Passes Homeland Security Legislation