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Jim Clyburn's Public Statements on Issue: Guns


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (SC) - District 6

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Date Title
03/11/2021 Tweet - "I am emotional today for the families and friends of the Emanuel Nine, several of who were my constituents. They have been waiting for years to see the "Charleston loophole' closed. Today's vote moves us one step closer to making gun ownership safer."
03/11/2021 Tweet - "96% of gun background checks are completed within 3 business days. The #CharlestonLoophole bill would allow the FBI additional time to complete the remaining 4% of background checks to ensure firearms don't fall into the wrong hands."
03/10/2021 Tweet - "I don't know why Republicans are trying to misrepresent what we're trying to do here. Nobody is keeping a gun away, but everybody should be able to wait 30 days. I ask the other side, is a wait of 30 days worth the death of nine unsuspecting souls? That alone should be enough."
03/10/2021 Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021
03/02/2021 Majority Whip Clyburn Reintroduces the Enhanced Background Checks Act to Close the Charleston Loophole
03/01/2021 Tweet - "Enacting common-sense gun control is a priority for @potus & this Democratic Congress. A large majority of Americans-including gun owners-support universal background checks. We need to keep weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them & save lives."
02/28/2021 Tweet - "It's been 2 years since the House passed my bill to fix the #CharlestonLoophole. In 2015, a shooter took 9 innocent lives b/c he obtained a gun despite having an incomplete background check--which he would have failed. It's time to finally enact common sense gun legislation."
02/27/2021 Tweet - "Two years ago, the House passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. For two years McConnell refused to allow a vote on it. Gun reform is common sense. Democrats will fight to get it signed into law."
12/14/2020 Tweet - "8 years ago 26 innocent children & adults were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Last year the House passed bipartisan legislation taking steps to #EndGunViolence. The Senate can't continue to ignore the gun violence crisis in this country. It's time for them to act."
10/27/2020 Tweet - "Two years ago, worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh fell victim to gun violence driven by anti-Semitic hate. We must combat hate in all its forms. And we must prevent its deadly consequences by keeping firearms out of the hands of those convicted of hate crimes."
10/01/2020 Tweet - "Today we remember the innocent lives that were lost 3 years ago during a mass shooting in Las Vegas. We cannot continue to ignore gun violence in this country. We must pass common sense gun violence legislation into law so we prevent tragedies like this from happening again."
09/24/2020 Tweet - "Today we wear orange masks to urge @senatemajldr McConnell to take up legislation to help end gun violence. The House passed #HR8 575 days ago and #HR1112, my bill to close the Charleston Loophole, one day later. It is time for @SenateGOP to act."
08/03/2020 Tweet - "Today, we remember the lives lost one year ago in El Paso, the deadliest attack on the Latinx community in modern American history. We must stand up against hate, racism, xenophobia, and senseless gun violence."
06/05/2020 Tweet - "It's been over a year since the House took significant action to #EndGunViolence. The Senate has yet to act. We cannot afford to keep waiting. #WearOrange"
02/28/2020 Tweet - "In 2015, 9 lives were taken by a gunman who purchased a weapon w/ an incomplete background check--which he later failed. Last year the House passed my bill to fix the #CharlestonLoophole by giving law enforcement more time to complete background checks. When will the Senate act?"
02/28/2020 Tweet - "In 2015, 9 lives were taken by a gunman who purchased a weapon w/ an incomplete background check--which he later failed. Last year the House passed my bill to fix the #CharlestonLoophole by giving law enforcement more time to complete background checks. When will the Senate act?"
02/27/2020 Tweet - "One year ago, the House passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act. McConnell has refused to allow a vote on it. The people have made it clear that they want common sense gun reform. It's time for the Senate to vote."
02/04/2020 Tweet - "The lifelong trauma of gun violence remains w/ survivors long after physical wounds have healed. As we recognize National Gun Violence Survivors Week, I implore my Senate colleagues to hold a vote on the House-passed legislation to prevent gun violence."
12/20/2019 Tweet - "In 2019, I introduced legislation on affordable housing, student loan debt, reducing gun violence, and more. As we go into 2020, I will continue to fight to make America's greatness accessible and affordable for all."
12/14/2019 Tweet - "It's been over 280 days since the House passed bipartisan legislation to #EndGunViolence. It's been 7 years since 26 innocent children and adults were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School. It's been 7 years too long. It's time for the Senate to act."
11/14/2019 Tweet - "Deeply saddened by another senseless act of gun violence, this time in Santa Clarita, CA. My heart goes out to the victims, their families and friends. To my Senate colleagues, it's been nearly 260 days since the House passed violence prevention legislation. When will you act?"
10/30/2019 Tweet - "My Charleston Loophole legislation would give the FBI more time to process background checks so that dangerous people like the Emanuel AME shooter wouldn't be able to access guns. Senator McConnell must stop delaying and bring it to a vote."
10/27/2019 Tweet - "One year ago, worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania fell victim to gun violence, antisemitism and hate. We must combat the gun violence epidemic, and must the dispel the culture of hate that has been rising in this country. #DisarmHate"
10/01/2019 Tweet - "Two years ago, a gunman opened fire on innocent concert-goers in Las Vegas, Nevada. As we remember those lives that were lost, we must commit to taking action to stop gun violence, so we can prevent tragedies like these from happening again."
09/10/2019 Tweet - ".@HouseDemocrats have already passed 2 common sense gun reform bills, including my #CharlestonLoophole bill. Now, @HouseJudiciary is marking up 3 more bills to curb gun violence. It's time for the Senate to vote. It's time to #KeepAmericansSafe. "

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